Chapter 4 Earth’s Resources
Starter On the next available odd page in your notebook, Write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) explaining how we can protect Earth’s resources.
Vocabulary Renewable resource Nonrenewable resource Fossil fuel Ore Hydroelectric Power Geothermal Energy Point Source Pollution Non Point Source Pollution Runoff Global Warming Conservation Compost Recycling
Gallery Walk You have 3 minutes to walk around the room to find items that represent renewable and nonrenewable resources. You should do your best to find at least 3 of each.
4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Renewable Resources-____________________________________ Ex. -_______________________________________________ Nonrenewable Resources-___________________________________ Ex. -______________________________________________
4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Fossil Fuels hydrocarbons that may be used as fuel, including ________________________________________ Hydrocarbons (hydrogen and carbon chains) Nearly 90% of the energy used in the US comes from fossil fuels Coal Forms when heat and pressure transform plant material over millions of years 4 stages of development Peat-_________________________________ Lignite-______________________________ Bituminous coal- ______________________ Anthracite-________________________________ Power plants use more than 70% of the coal mined today to generate electricity
Problems with coal mining and burning Surface mining scares the land Underground mining – costly – human life and health High in sulfur - pollution 4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources
Petroleum and Natural Gas Form from the remains of plants and animals that were buried in ancient seas over millions of years ago. They were protected from oxidation and decay by sediments 4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Anticlines Are Common Oil Traps
Tar Sands and Oil Shale Some energy experts believe that fuels derived from tar sands and oil shales could become good substitutes for dwindling petroleum supplies Many Drawbacks 4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources
Formation of Mineral Deposits Some of the most important mineral deposits form through igneous processes and hydrothermal solutions Ore- _____________________________________ Nonmetallic Mineral Resources Extracted and processed either for the _ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Ex. Limestone, fluorite
Uses of Nonmetallic Minerals
Conservation of Energy Create a Brochure promoting the Conservation of Energy In your Brochure you must persuade humans to protect/conserve Earth’s resources Your Brochure must include color, pictures, and loads of facts You will have 3 days to complete the brochure You may include pictures (small) from magazines or the internet You will be graded on content of course and creativity