Warm up – 10 minutes 1. Spain 2. Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania Page 245 textbook 3. Germany and Poland Looking at the map on page 245, please copy and answer these questions: (5R) Which country lies closest to Africa? Which countries border the Black Sea? The Czech Republic is landlocked. What countries might it work with to gain access to the sea? (I am only looking for two)
Europe: physical geography and history Europe’s dramatic landscape Essential Question: What changes have taken place in Europe since ancient times? Today’s Objective: Identify the geographic features, climates, and resources of Europe
Europe, too, has landforms ranging from mountains to plains Europe, too, has landforms ranging from mountains to plains. It’s climate is influenced by its nearness to the ocean. Most European countries are within 300 miles of the ocean. The ocean modifies Europe’s climate. The ocean is our planet’s largest heat sink. By absorbing, storing and then slowly releasing large quantities of heat, the ocean buffers the climate of the nearby land.
Vocabulary Handout (attach into interactive notebook 5R) Terms & Names Alps: Europe's tallest mountain range, stretching across southern Europe Fossil fuels: sources of energy from ancient plant and animals remains Hydroelectric power: electricity made by water-powered engines North Atlantic Drift: warm ocean current that helps keep Europe's climate mild Northern European Plain: vast area of flat or gently rolling land from France to Russia Peninsula: a body of land nearly surrounded by water Renewable energy sources: sources of energy able to be replaced though ongoing natural processes Seafaring: using the sea for transportation
Alps – Europe’s tallest mountain range, stretching across southern Europe – 8 countries While watching the upcoming video think about: How do you think the Alps affect Europe?
Now that you watched the video: Turn to the person next to you and discuss: How might the Alps Affect Europe? Tourism Natural barrier between European nations
Peninsula - an area of land almost completely surrounded by water Europe's many bays and peninsulas encouraged fishing and trade. The peninsulas extend north, west, and south, and few places are more than 300 miles from the coast. Europe has many good harbors that promote using the sea for transportation and for moving goods from one place to another. Europe is called the peninsula of peninsulas. Why do you think? Scandinavian, Iberian, Italian, and Balkan Peninsulas
Seafaring Europeans fished, traded, and using the sea for transportation Europeans fished, traded, and In time set out to explore other parts of the world Why do you think Europe’s vast coastline boasted it’s economy?
Northern European Plain – vast area of flat or gently rolling land from France to russia fertile soil coal Europe’s Major farming areas Turn to the person next to you and discuss Why the Northern European Plain is so important to Europe?
Europe’s key rivers – turn to page 249 Copy questions 5R interactive 1. What advantages result from Europe’s network of rivers? Rivers provide trade and transportation networks 2. Why are rivers important to landlocked countries in Europe? They offer landlocked countries outlets to the sea and links to other countries in Europe.
Physical map europe Turn to the person next to you and see how many of these features you can identify on the map – page 249 What kind of information is included in a physical map? – page 249 peninsulas rivers plains mountains islands seas oceans
Notes for 5R Westerly winds and a warm current in the Atlantic Ocean called the North Atlantic Drift influence Europe’s climate The warm ocean currents heats the air above it. Winds blowing east across the Atlantic Ocean carry the heat and moisture to Europe In the winter these westerlies bring warm tropical air to parts of Europe
fossil fuel - a fuel (as coal, oil, or natural gas) formed in the earth from plant or animal remains hydroelectricity - of or relating to production of electricity by waterpower Renewable Energy sources – can be replaced through ongoing natural processes, such as sunshine, wind, and flowing water. They are sustainable, meaning they can’t be used up Turn to the person next to you and discuss: Which of these resources would be the best to use? Which of these resources would be the worst to use?
Blind faith You are to sit with one person you haven’t sat with today 15 seconds to answer You are to sit with one person you haven’t sat with today I will flash a term or vocabulary on the board You and your partner will write down your answer on an index card Race to hand me the index card You will need and share 8 index cards per team. Put your first names on the cards before we begin
HOMEWORK – copy assignment (5l) Questions 1-5 on page 253 due next class
I go by the names: Iberian Scandinavian Balkan Italian
I was a way to explore other parts of the world, fishing and trading
Some of you remember me when I was a dinosaur Some of you remember me when I was a dinosaur. Over the years I accumulated as dead plants and animals
I am a place you can ski. In historical times I played a role as a natural barrier to my enemies
electricity made by water-powered engines
I am a great source for Europe’s food, a vast area of flat or gently rolling land from France to Russia
Sunshine Wind Flowing Water Are all sustainable__________
I influence Europe’s climate from winds blowing east from the Atlantic