195 Health Services Center 421 South Campus Ave MiamiOH.edu/saf/scs 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Appointments: Primarily by appointment Emergency appointments available same day Student Counseling Service
To provide primary, secondary, and tertiary level mental health interventions whose goal is to assist students in developing and maintaining healthy personal, emotional, and psychological functioning as they set and attempt to achieve academic goals. Mission
Individual counseling and therapy Group counseling and therapy Psychiatric services Workshops and outreach programs Stress and Anxiety Management Depression Relationships Consultation services to staff, faculty, parents, and students Referrals to outside mental health services Services Available
Drug/Alcohol Evaluations and Screenings ADHD Screening Detailed process to further evaluate a student’s attention difficulties and assess appropriate form of treatment. See website for more info: MiamiOH.edu/saf/scs Services Available
Initial 30-minute “triage” session identifies the problems and recommends services to meet the student needs: Workshops to build resiliency, frustration tolerance, stress management, etc Individual therapy in SCS for shorter–term needs; in community, if needs appear longer-term Group counseling Psychiatric evaluation or treatment Encourage early consultation and referral for incoming students with intensive mental health needs Seeing a counselor
Referrals for psychiatric evaluation and treatment from: SCS clinical staff External mental health professionals with on- going treating relationship Records to be faxed prior to appointment being made Seeing the Psychiatrist
All clinical services are completely confidential per Ohio state law SCS cannot acknowledge any participation in treatment or release any part of a student client’s file without written permission of the client SCS records are NOT a part of a student’s academic or administrative record at Miami Confidentiality
Triage sessions, up to 3 individual sessions/year, workshops and group counseling have no fee. Sessions 4+ $25.00 each Does not bill insurance Psychiatric Services: Initial Evaluation-$40 Medication follow-up $25 No show fee: $25.00 each Attention Problem Evaluation: $25 No student denied service due to inability to pay; reductions/ waivers based on ability to pay Costs for Services
9 Psychologists 1 Board Certified Psychiatrist 4 Full time Psychology doctoral interns 4 Half-time Psychology masters-level trainees All licensed or supervised by licensed psychologists Staff
AlcoholEdu for College and HAVEN: Understanding Sexual Assault – mandatory online educational programs for all first year students. Fee for program participation: $20 (assessed by Bursar’s office) Knowledge and behaviors that support safe and smart use of alcohol and other drugs. Addresses sexual assault and healthy relationships on college campuses. Access to programs available in mid-July. reminders will be made through the Miami account. Office of Student Wellness: MiamiOH.edu/student-life/student-wellness Office of Student Wellness
Questions? Student Counseling Service 195 Health Services Center Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Phone: Office of Student Wellness 100 Health Services Center Phone: Student Health Service Health Services Center (including insurance questions) Phone: