3/26 Warm Up During the President’s State of the Union address to the nation, a massive meteor hits the Capitol building killing the Pres., VP, & the presiding officers of the House and Senate. Who do you think would take over in the line of presidential succession?
Answer According to the 25th amendment to the Constitution if the Pres., VP, Speaker, & President Pro Tempore all die, next in line to become POTUS is the Secretary of State (John Kerry) 1st department set up in 1787
Presidential Line of Succession VP Speaker of HofR President pro tempore Secretary of State Secretary of Treasury Secretary of Defense
Objectives List the steps in the presidential election process. Define and describe the differences between primaries and caucuses.
From Campaign to Inauguration Road to the White House
Step 1 Announce you want to run for president! I want to run for POTUS! Announce you want to run for president!
Vote for me! Step 2 Campaign Raise $$$ Hold rallies Meet with voters
Narrowing Down the Candidates
Your Candidates Mario Pacman Donkey Kong Starfox Democrats Republicans Sonic the Hedgehog Link Pikachu Luigi Mario Pacman Donkey Kong Starfox Democrats Republicans
Caucus A meeting of local members of a political party to nominate candidates Process differs from state to state Delegate - person chosen to represent one of the political parties at its national convention
Republican Caucus Raise your hand to vote for a candidate Divide by the total number of caucus-goers to determine percentage Candidate with the highest percentage wins
Democratic Caucus All candidates must have at least 15% of the vote in a given caucus For candidates with <15% of caucus, supporters must choose a different candidate
Primary Elections An election in which party members select people to run in the general election "closed primary” – only registered members of that political party can vote "open primary” – people from any party - or none at all - can vote
Closed Primary
Closed Primary Each side of the room will represent one political party. You may only vote for the candidates from your party.
Open Primary
Open Primary Vote for ANY candidate you want (does not have to be the same candidate you chose in the closed primary). Both parties candidates are fair game!
Which type of nomination does Michigan use?
2012 Primary and Caucus Schedule
Iowa & NH Iowa – first caucus New Hampshire – first primary Massive media attention Early indicators of which candidates might win the nomination Candidates who do poorly frequently drop out after these events
Primary vs. Caucus Which process would allow more registered voters in a state the opportunity to participate? Which process best reflects the ideals of a direct democracy? Which process provides the best information to political parties about a candidate’s chances of winning the presidential election?
Electoral Process Worksheet Finish #3-8 on your Electoral Process Worksheet
To select party’s nominees for Pres. & VP Formulate party’s platform National Conventions Held every 4 years by political parties Main purpose To select party’s nominees for Pres. & VP Formulate party’s platform
Platform Statement of party principles & goals Consists of a number of planks Plank is a party’s position on a specific issue
What really happens in the General Election?
General Election Every 4 years on the Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November When registered voters vote for a presidential candidate they are really selecting an elector In some states the electors are listed with the names of the candidates These votes represent the popular vote
What’s up with the Electoral College
Which fast food restaurant do you prefer –Qdoba or Chipotle?
Debrief What happened? Is this fair? Are the results different? Why? Who had the advantage in the second election?
2008 Presidential Election Obama: 67.8% of electoral votes. McCain: 32.2% of electoral votes. Barack Obama: 52.9% of popular vote. John McCain: 45.6% of popular vote.
How does the Electoral College Work? Number of electors per state? # in HOR in state + # in Senate Total # of electors = 538 (DC has 3) Minimum number of electoral votes needed to win an election? 270
Summary Why do you think the Framers created the Electoral College system?
Compromise The Framers of the Constitution 1st suggestion – Congress selects the President 2nd suggestion – People elect the President
Representation Still a big vs. small state problem if Congress selects president Decision – hold state elections, then have each state cast electoral votes for winning candidate Winner takes all system
Why have electors? Framers wondered – can we trust the public to make informed decisions? Solution: have state electors cast official vote for Pres. & VP after the popular vote has occurred Appointed electors would be knowledgeable about politics & could select candidates representing the interests of the majority
Assessment Formative What is wrong with this map of the United States? Why are only a few states visible? What is the artist implying about voters in the visible states? Voters in the invisible states? What is the overall message of this cartoon? Assessment Formative
Election Process review!