By: Hadin and Jerry
About Project If we had a million dollars we would go to all the cities that have a NBA team. Our major categories include basketball games, entertainment, transportation, souvenirs, lodging, and vacation wardrobe. We would have a great time staying at a few great hotels, seeing great basketball games, having first class flights and renting cool cars, getting awesome signed basketballs and jerseys, buying jerseys, and having fun entertainment.
Dwight Howard Shoe
Jordon Melo Shoe (Carmelo Anthony)
Boston Celtics jerseys
New York Knicks jersey
The Plaza
Hotel Casa Del Mar
2008 Boston Celtics team autographed photo
TD Garden
Cinderella's Castle
Souvenirs, Vacation Wardrobe, Lodging Pie Graphs and Spreadsheets Souvenirs, Vacation Wardrobe, Lodging
Entertainment, Basketball Games, and Transportation Pie Graphs and Spreadsheets Entertainment, Basketball Games, and Transportation
About Basketball Games The Basketball Games category was about going to basketball games. The basketball games were the best seating and the most expensive seats. The most expensive ticket I got was over $3,000. We only did home games since it would get out of control if we did away games. The total was $123, This was the second most expensive.
About Souvenirs One major category was souvenirs. In souvenirs we got signed basketballs, signed pictures, and signed jerseys. Some were real some were fake. We got a really cool signed basketball from LeBron James. We also got a Shaquille O'Neal signed basketball and it was awesome. Souvenirs was the most expansive. Its price was $
About Vacation Wardrobe In Vacation Wardrobe we bought clothes. We bought two jerseys from each team. We either bought two good players jerseys or we bought one customized jersey and one good players. A customized was a jersey where you can choose the number and the name, it is really cool. It was the third most expansive. It price was $105,997.oo4
About Lodging We needed some place to stay that’s why we have lodging. We stayed at many great hotels but we had two amazing hotels called The Plaza in NYC and the Hotel Casa Del Mar is in LA. The Plaza is a very luxury hotel in NYC. Hotel Casa Del Mar in LA is on the beach which makes it really expensive. Lodging was the fifth most expensive catogory. Its price was $74,281.00
About Entertainment Entertainment was the biggest part of the project. You can’t go somewhere without being entertained. Our most expensive was Disney in Orlando. The price for it was $8, Entertainment was the least expensive category of all. The total price in Entertainment was $32,
About Transportation Transportation was basically and literally the cars we rented and the flights we took. We had the best flights, always first class and short as possible. The most expensive flight was from Washington D.C. to Charlotte, NC. It cost $10, Transportation was the 3 rd most expensive category. It’s total is $106,
Major Categories spreadsheet and pie graph Major Categories
Credits We got our souvenirs from, clothes from and, games from and, entertainment from Google earth, lodging from, and transportation from and