Welcome to Newton International School Early Years Foundation Stage Parents Afternoon 25 th September :30 – 2:00pm
Early Years Foundation Stage The Early Years Foundation Stage at Newton International School is the period of education from 3 to 5 years of age. The Early Years Foundation Stage at Newton International School is the period of education from 3 to 5 years of age. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning. The E.Y.F.S concentrate on developing The E.Y.F.S concentrate on developing A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environment Learning and Development
Early Learning Goals Communication and language; Communication and language; Physical development; Physical development; Personal, social and emotional development. Personal, social and emotional development. Literacy; Literacy; Mathematics; Mathematics; Understanding the world; Understanding the world; Expressive arts and design. Expressive arts and design. Within the theme of Learning and Development there are seven areas. The Prime Areas are: The Specific Areas are:
Child Initiated Play Gives children the necessary time to choose an area that it is enjoyable and important to them while simultaneously developing the vital learning and thinking skills they need to form the foundation for their academic careers.
Play nourishes every aspect of children’s development—it forms the foundation of intellectual, social, physical, and emotional skills necessary for success in school and in life. Play “paves the way for learning.”
Foundation 1 Play Based Learning through child’s choice and adult led activities Play Based Learning through child’s choice and adult led activities Teachers assess through observation (focus groups) Teachers assess through observation (focus groups) Through the seven areas of learning, it is vital that children experience it in a holistic way through play and other relevant experiences. Through the seven areas of learning, it is vital that children experience it in a holistic way through play and other relevant experiences. Develop independence Develop independence
Foundation 2 Whilst continuing to offer play based learning opportunities Foundation 2 also moves towards more structured learning. Whilst continuing to offer play based learning opportunities Foundation 2 also moves towards more structured learning. F2 focuses more on the specific areas as well as ensuring prime area goals are achieved. F2 focuses more on the specific areas as well as ensuring prime area goals are achieved. Focus groups Focus groups More emphasis on Literacy (Phonics) and Numeracy learning. More emphasis on Literacy (Phonics) and Numeracy learning.
Learning Journeys Your Child’s Learning Journey: Your Child’s Learning Journey: A learning journey is used to show each child’s progress towards the early learning goals. The profile is updated regularly throughout the year. It shows your child’s development and which goals he/she have achieved supported by evidence through ongoing observation. Starts in F1 and continues through to F2. Starts in F1 and continues through to F2.
How Can Parents Help? Parents and carers are their children’s first teachers. When they are with you learning can happen at any time and anywhere, for example through: Being generous with praise and cuddles. Being generous with praise and cuddles. Reading things together on a daily basis. Reading things together on a daily basis. Playing games, singing nursery rhymes. Playing games, singing nursery rhymes. Talking about what you can see all around you in both Arabic and English. Talking about what you can see all around you in both Arabic and English. Counting the stairs as you go up and down. Counting the stairs as you go up and down.
A few reminders… School day starts at 7am and finishes at 12:30 School day starts at 7am and finishes at 12:30 Parent Waiting Area Parent Waiting Area Parent/Teacher communication Parent/Teacher communication Correct Uniform Correct Uniform Healthy Eating Healthy Eating Birthday Parties Birthday Parties
Thank You for Coming! “ Adults who help children to play are adults who help children to learn.”