Copyright United Nations NGO SECTION/DESA Dr. Hanifa Mezoui, Chief, NGO Section, DESA The Rights and Responsibilities of NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC Russian Federation Outreach November 2008
THE RUSSIAN PEACE FOUNDATION ECOSOC Special Consultative Status since 2006 Promotion and enhancement of peace, friendship and understanding between peoples.
How to obtain consultative status with ECOSOC Secretariat Screening NGO Applications NGO Committee review Committee Recommen- dation ECOSOC DECISION
NGO Definition 1.The organization shall have an established headquarters, with an executive officer. It shall have a democratically adopted constitution. 2.The organization shall have authority to speak for its members through its authorized representatives. 3.The organization shall have a representative structure and should not be established by a governmental organization. 1.The organization shall have an established headquarters, with an executive officer. It shall have a democratically adopted constitution. 2.The organization shall have authority to speak for its members through its authorized representatives. 3.The organization shall have a representative structure and should not be established by a governmental organization.
NGO Definition 4.The organization must be a non-profit organization. It must also be registered for 2 years. 5.The basic resources of the organization shall be derived in the main part from contributions of national affiliates or other components or from individual members. 6.The field of activities of the organization should be relevant to ECOSOC 7.Non-Profit Organization 4.The organization must be a non-profit organization. It must also be registered for 2 years. 5.The basic resources of the organization shall be derived in the main part from contributions of national affiliates or other components or from individual members. 6.The field of activities of the organization should be relevant to ECOSOC 7.Non-Profit Organization
Copyright United Nations NGO SECTION/DESA An ongoing dialogue An ongoing dialogue
NGO Committee : 19 Member States
Copyright United Nations NGO SECTION/DESA Consultative categories (Resolution 1996/31) General Category Special Category Roster
Consultative Categories (contd.)
NGOs in Consultative Status
Copyright United Nations NGO SECTION/DESA -Abuse of consultative status -Violation of the UN Charter -Politically motivated acts against Member State of the UN -Illegal Activity (money laundering, drug trafficking, arms smuggling ) -Corruption in all its forms Suspension or Withdrawal of Consultative Status
Do Not Do Not FACT: NGOs in Consultative Status FACT: NGOs in Consultative Status -use UN logo -represent UN -receive diplomatic passports/tax exemptions -become part of UN system
UN SYSTEM AT A GLANCE Functional Commissions Standing Committees Regional Commissions Committee on NGOs Permanent Forum on Indigenous People UNITED NATIONS General Assembly MAIN Security Council International Court of Justice ECOSOCSecretariat Trusteeship Council UN Programmes, Funds and other Bodies UNDPUNU UNICEFUNNGLS UNCTADUNFPA UNRWAWFP CHRUNCHS UNHCRUNDCP ICJUNIFEM INSTRAWUNIDIR UNRISDUNICRI ITCUNAIDS UNEPUNCDF UNV Specialized Agencies, Funds and other Organizations FAOIFAD ILOICAO IMFIMO IAEAITU UNESCOUPU UNIDOWorld Bank WHOWIPO WMOWTO
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) - Ethiopia Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) - Ethiopia Regional Commissions Economic Commission for Europe ( UN ECE) - Switzerland Economic Commission for Europe ( UN ECE) - Switzerland Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) - Lebanon Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) - Lebanon Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) - Chile Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) - Chile Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) - Thailand Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) - Thailand
ECOSOC Commission on Population & Development Commission on Population & Development Functional Commissions Statistical Commission Commission for Social Development Commission for Social Development Commission on the Status of Women Commission on the Status of Women Commission on Narcotic Drugs Commission on Narcotic Drugs Commission on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice Commission on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice Commission on Science & Technology for Development Commission on Science & Technology for Development Commission on Sustainable Development Commission on Sustainable Development United Nations Forum on Forest United Nations Forum on Forest
ECOSOC Structure ECOSOC maintains the current 5 segments structure of its substantive session: High Level Segment Coordination Segment Operational Activities Humanitarian assistance General Segment
ECOSOC NEW MANDATES Promoting Global Policy Dialogue Promoting Global Policy Dialogue (GDP) Biennial Developmentiennial Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Annual MinisterialAnnual Ministerial Review (AMR) Humanitarian Emergencies Response Major Role in Coordination New Mandates of ECOSOC A/Res/60/1
Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) OECD Assess progress made in the implementation of IADGs and the MDGs Opportunities for countries to make voluntary national presentations. UN organs and BWIs and WTO to contribute to the review Functional commissions and other regional and sub-regional organizations to contribute to the assessment by ECOSOC Establishment of a multi-year program of work for the ministerial level substantive reviews
Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) Theme of 2008 Annual Ministerial Review: “ Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development” Theme of 2009 Annual Ministerial Review: “ Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to global public health ”
Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) [A Res/60/1 para 155(b)] (bi-annual) To review trends in international development cooperation among different partners and strengthen the links between the normative and operational work of the United Nations Provide a platform for Member States to exchange best practices in formulating national development strategies. Comprehensive review of trends Multilateral North-South South-South Identify gaps and obstacles with a view to make recommendations on practical measures and policy options. Involves all relevant actors in the field of development cooperation including civil society
High-Level Segment The Secretary General proposes a principal theme based on: A. Proposals of the Member States B. Proposals of the bodies of the United Nations C. Proposals of the inter-governmental bodies The Secretary General proposes a principal theme based on: A. Proposals of the Member States B. Proposals of the bodies of the United Nations C. Proposals of the inter-governmental bodies
Criteria for selecting the HLS Theme a. A major current theme of economic or social politics b. A general and inter-disciplinary approach c. The maximum participation at the ministerial level d. A political impulse and a desire for convergence e. Essential issues : Synergy between the various branches of the United Nations system Bretton Woods Institutions WTO f. In case of extreme emergency => supplementary theme a. A major current theme of economic or social politics b. A general and inter-disciplinary approach c. The maximum participation at the ministerial level d. A political impulse and a desire for convergence e. Essential issues : Synergy between the various branches of the United Nations system Bretton Woods Institutions WTO f. In case of extreme emergency => supplementary theme
Outcome of the HLS Ministerial Participation Ministerial Participation General Assembly General Assembly Ministerial Declaration Ministerial Declaration Political will Major issues Major issues Agreement Civil Society
HLS Theme 2006 « Creating an environment at the national and international levels conducive to generating full and productive employment and decent work for all, and its impact on sustainable development »
HLS Theme 2007 “ Strenghtening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including through the global partnership for development”
HLS Theme 2008 “Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development”
HLS Theme 2009 “ Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to global public health”
End of Part 1