CAMERAS AND LENSES The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers
The Camera
The Path Through the Camera
The Shutter
Reasons to Change the Shutter Angle To Stop Action To Eliminate Flicker To Adjust Exposure in a Ramping Shot
The Gate Gate
The Viewing System Parallax Reflexive - Prism - Shutter mirror
The Lens
Focus Circle of Confusion Depth of Field Hyperfocal Distance
Depth of Field
Parameters that Affect Depth of Field format size or target size aperture focal length distance from camera To REDUCE the depth of field: use a larger format use a wider aperture use a longer focal length reduce the focus distance (move closer)
Hyperfocal DIstance F/stopf/1.4f/2f/2.8f/4f/5.6f/8f/11f/16f/22f/32 Hyperfocal Distance 230.7’161.5’115.3’80.7’57.7’40.4’29.4’20.2’14.7’10.1’ 35 mm CAMERA DEPTH-OF-FIELD and HYPERFOCAL DISTANCE Lens Focal Length: 50 mm Circle of Confusion =.001” (1/1000”)
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