Mae Lindenberg Grafton Public Schools Richard Ray Manvel Public Schools
Welcome to the North Dakota Migrant Education Program National Program Grew out of Title 1 Public Law Passed in 1965 Migrant Education Program was established as an amendment in 1966 due to the specific needs of Migrant children
Why Give Help to Migrant Students? Education is interrupted Large families with inadequate living space Low incomes Limited English skills Little experience with success at school Irregular attendance Frustration and low academic performance High drop out rate
What is a Migrant Worker? Migrant workers seek temporary or seasonal jobs in agriculture, fishing or related work. Many have an average income below the national poverty level. Diverse ethnicity: not limited to, Hispanics, blacks, whites, Native Americans and Asians.
Eligibility Requirements Move with in the last 3 years across state lines or school districts Migrant parent, guardian, or member of the child’s immediate family seeking temporary or seasonal employment in an agricultural or fishing activity Child must be in any grade between preschool (3 years of age) and grade 12
Goal of the North Dakota Migrant Education Program Promote academic excellence and equity for the migrant students of North Dakota. To develop self-confidence in migrant students To help the migrant students feel good about themselves To help migrant students enjoy school, attain an education and overcome the many difficulties in their lives.
The Mission of the ND Migrant Progra m Areas of focus to ensure that the appropriate services are addressed : Identification and Recruitment of all eligible children An assurance of sequence and continuity between schools Special teachers, tutors or aides for small group instruction Program is supplemental, targeting needs of students Supportive health services in coordination with other agencies Preschool and kindergarten programs designed to prepare migrant children for academic success Assistance with ELL instruction
PASS Program (Portable Assisted Study Sequence) Problems Curriculum match Interrupted school year Students attending schools in Mexico Schools with different academic expectations Data Sharing Solutions Understanding the challenges of the Migrant Child Use and acceptance of the PASS program Data Sharing between schools Cooperation between Migrant School and LEA’s
Questions??????? *Information for this presentation comes from the state migrant office.