The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences is a leading international institution for research and education in exercise and sport sciences
The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences – a Specialized University Funded 1968 One of six specialized universities in Norway Has a national responsibility for research, higher education focused on exercise and sport science Located by the idyllic Sognsvann Lake in Oslo with immediate access to outstanding surroundings.
NSSS Study object: human movement culture (play, games, PE, sport, outdoor recreation Research and education with a wide spectrum of theoretical and methodological approaches Characteristics: activity, skills and reflective knowledge A critical and independent point of reference within sport science
Faculty Ordinary Women (%) 37,638,636,236,338,739,540,941,3
Funding and resource management State (80%) Other income (20%) Academic staff: 50% teaching and 50% research Incentives ECTs Publications External research funding
Financing - 09 Total turnover in 2009 is 204 million NOK Ministry of Education and Research: 142,4 mill kr Subsidy from other government ministry/The Research Council of Norway/ others: 18,8 mill. kr Income from courses: 12,7 mill. kr Rental income: 8,5 mill. kr
Research and education Department of Physical Performance: Factors affecting physical performance and the effect of training. Department of Coaching and Psychology: Sport Psychology, health and exercise psychology Department of Physical Education: Outdoor Education, adapted physical education, dance Department of Sports Medicine: Exercise and health related to women; physical activity and health; nationwide monitoring of physical activity and physical fitness; sports injury prevention; active rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders. Department of Cultural and Social Studies: Sport Sociology, history of sport, sport management; social aspects of physical activity and the disabled.
Research centre Norwegian research centre for training and performance (
Students Total BA/ BA/ Master Part time PhD
Course outline First year (introductory core curriculum for all bachelor programmes) Bachelor programmes Coaching Physical Activity and Health Physical Education – Teacher Education Sport Biology Sport Management One-year studies (intermediate level) Adapted Physical Activity Practical- pedagogical education Sport Culture and Development Cooperation Master programmes Sport Physiotherapy Sport Sciences Adapted Physical Activity (Erasmus Mundus) Physical Activity and Health (European master)
Course outline PhD program (180 ECT) Part time: fitness, outdoor recreation, PE- teachers
Research and education PhD program from 1986 – 76 candidates Research topics - sections Coaching and psychology (motivation) Physical performance: physiology, biomechanics Sport and gender, identity, ethics and philosophy Learning and knowledge in PE, APA, outdoor education Activity and health: effect, prevention, rehab., surveys ECSS Oslo 2009
Outcome PhD’s 556 Int. review articles