CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research Planning and Ageing Think, Act and Share Age-Friendly Cities CiViTAS-ELAN Project Development, Implementation, Dissemination and Evaluation Cristina Vilarinho FEUP 18 th May 2012, Porto
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May 2012 “To ‘mobilize’ our citizens by developing, with their support, clean mobility solutions for vital cities, ensuring health and access for all.” CIty VITAlity Sustainability
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May Research & technical development 12.Impact & process evaluation 13.Dissemination, training and knowledge transfer CiViTAS - ELAN 3 rd Edition of CiViTAS Project, 2008 – cities: Porto, Zagreb, Brno, Ljubljana, Gent Medium-sized European Universities with large student populations Objectives: - Support cities to introduce ambitious transport measures/ policies - Modal split shift towards sustainable transport modes 1. Alternative fuels & clean vehicles 2.Collective transport services & intermodal integration 3.Demand management 4.Influencing travel behaviour 5.Safe & secure mobility 6.Innovative mobility services 7.Freight distribution 8.Transport telematics Work Packages Measures
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May 2012 Porto Partners: Local: MunicipalityFacultyTransportPrivate Company 11.Research & technical development 12.Impact & process evaluation 13.Dissemination, training and knowledge transfer 1. Alternative fuels & clean vehicles 2.Collective transport services & intermodal integration 3.Demand management 4.Influencing travel behaviour 5.Safe & secure mobility 6.Innovative mobility services 7.Freight distribution 8.Transport telematics Work Packages Measures
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May 2012 Reduce the traffic flow improve the quality of circulation for all modes improve vehicles fuel efficiency Improve the pedestrian and bicycle modes increase these users Adding New and Environmental Sustainable options for daily transport Improve the use of PT through providing information Solve problems for infrequent PT travellers which bus to catch or stop to choose Objectives
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May OPO Light-Weight Bus Operational test of a new type of bus Reducing weight (- 670kg) CO 2 emissions Reducing production cost trough modular bus construction Powered by Biodiesel Establish a shuttle service in Asprela corridor F (1730kg) + B (2370kg) = Tara 4100kg F (1730kg) + B (1700kg) = Tara 3430kg
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May OPO Participatory Planning for New Intermodal Interchange Develop the conceptual project for the implementation of a North Transport Multi-Modal Interchange Conceptual design Public participation Business Model Increase Accessibility and Intermodality of Public Transport Interface Parking (35 bus)
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May OPO Integrated Accessibility Planning in Asprela Quarter Develop a Mobility Plan: Sidewalks growth and pedestrian obstacles removal Cycle lane implementation Fostering PT New traffic lights implementation Parking Policy Improve the sustainable transport modes Before After
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May OPO The Mobility Shop Provide mobility information (shop, telephone, Website) Symbol of the CiViTAS-ELAN project in in Porto increase the project’s public visibility develop marketing campaigns aiming to raise public awareness regarding mobility issues; (source CMP) Mobility Shop Mobility Shop Website
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May OPO Flexible Mobility Agency Implement and environmental sustainable options for daily transport in the CiViTAS corridor Carpooling agency supported by a web-based platform and forum Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) Night service Friday, Saturday, Sunday Porto centre – CiViTAS corridor Bike rental service on corridor level Not implemented (source CMP) Marketing Campaigns
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May OPO Mobile Mobility Information Implementation of a real time information from all the main PT operators (public and private) Support decision tool for mobility in PT Helps people to plan and decide on their trips, based on real time information. Increase the quality of PT service offered to the passengers as it will allow a raise in the satisfaction of customers. LCD Website Smartphone APP
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May 2012 Evaluation Provide concrete results Give a clear view of the results and opportunities Meaningful recommendation for further implementation in other cities IMPACT - Estimate the impact or effectiveness of the measure implementation for: After/Before Business As Usual Up Scaling PROCESS - Method for planning, implementation and operation assessment - Carried out while measures actions are happening; - Identify the factors that have positive or negative influence on measure development CROSS-SITE - Comparing evaluation results with other cities IN-DEPTH - All basic evaluation activities will be done in more detail for a certain set of measures called “Focus Measures” Cost Benefit Analyse;
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May 2012 Mobility Shop Visitors (September 2010 – February 2012) Noise Level – L den Impact 2009 (Before)2011 (BAU)
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research 18 th May 2012 Average Daily Traffic (2009 – 2012) Impact East - West West - East
CITTA 5 TH Annual Conference on Planning Research Planning and Ageing Think, Act and Share Age-Friendly Cities CiViTAS-ELAN Project Development, Implementation, Dissemination and Evaluation Cristina Vilarinho FEUP