Design Project 1: Building a sustainable community EDSGN 100 Section 006 By Uchenna Anizoba
Table of Contents Project Objective /Problem Identification What is Sustainability? Customers Needs/ Possible client requirements Specifications- Ideas and Criteria Water and Waste Water systems Heating/Power systems or supply Calculations Prototype References
Problem and Objective The objective/task was to create a sustainable house and living community in a designated existing building space Sustainability involves meeting social, economic and environmental needs of today without affecting future generations’ ability to do the same.
What is Sustainability and why we want it? A balance of three main components: Social Environment Economic Fig. 1 sustainability venn diagram
Customer Identification/Needs Assessment Affordability Safety Comfortability Quality Aesthetic value Fig 2. Customer needs assessment process Fig 3. Pie chart showing priority needs Target customer: family of 4
Specifications From customer/client needs, some specs identified were: -Electricity, Proper Heating/Lighting for the houses -Water system (good plumbing) -Structural integrity for safety -Insulation -Good quality flooring -Fire protection -Environmentally safe habitat (no unnecessary pollution etc.) -Accessible community
Decision Making (post customer needs) Fig. 5 Decision making hierarchy for most subsystems in project
Project Details Fig 6 Specific systems in house to consider
Current Site Layout
Proposed site Layout
Housing Floor Plan
Building materials /resources Local Woods/Vinyl Reusable Concrete blocks Reusable Planks/timber Reusable Asphalt
Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) Fig 7. ICFs Cost per sq foot = $80 -$100 Maintenance= $4-$5
Water Source Table 2. Matrix for Water Sources Estimated daily water use o 50 litres /household Reduce at least 30% of water usage by: o Energy efficient washing and drying machines o Low capacity flow shower heads o Low Flush Toilets RainwaterGroundwaterArtificial lake Water quality2.534 Availability14.53 Cost421 Maintenance243
Rainwater For its location, State College has decent annual rainfall of between inches. For its location, State College has decent annual rainfall of between inches. Fig. Rainwater collection for house use
Local Water Source Fig. Groundwater
Groundwater Fig 9 and 10. Groundwater distribution
Water (contd) High pressure tanks Softening agents
Septic Tank systems Fig. 20. A Structure of Underground
Energy/Heat Clean energy choices that met most of the criteria was: -Solar -Geothermal -Wind
Energy Choice: Solar Installation- 20 kW system = $50,000 Maintenance per household= $2,500/year Efficiency of panels, space (sq. m),
Geothermal energy Installation cost= $30,000 Maintenance per year= $3,000 Average production Fig 10. Geothermal energy
Wind energy Fig 11 Average wind power distribution in the U.S Class 2 wind speed (14.3 mph) 100 W/m2 At 10 m height
Average Energy Obtained and Used Fig 12. pie chart showing energy use in household Fig. 13 Weather variations affecting energy use
The approx. total Cost calculated is 250,000 per house. The approx. total Cost calculated is 250,000 per house. Road system remodeling for area - $50,000 Road system remodeling for area - $50,000 Structure= $120,000 Heating= $30,000 Waste water= $15,000 Water= $45,000 Alternative energy source= $20,000 Summary/Conclusion
Prototype (views)
References Sustainability PowerPoint bbs/messages/10381/562 rg/wikipedia/commons/th umb/7/70/Sustainable_de velopment.svg/640px- Sustainable_development.s vg.png Spec/infra- spec/uvalue.html
References (contd.) dential/water_softeners efits/affordable.asp om/documents/information- sheets/high-r-value-wall- assemblies/high-r-wall-07- icf-wall-construction National Ground Water Association.
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