Commercial in Confidence © 2015 Thinking Solutions Pty Ltd founder/inventor co-founder John Ball Beth Carey Pedagogies for a Plurilingual Australia
1.Why do we need better translation tools for teaching? 2.What makes machine translation so difficult for a computer? 3.Demonstration of new translation technology 4.What are the possibilities of this technology for learners and teachers, of all languages?
“Learning our first language(s) as a young child is a complex but ‘easy’ process; we acquire our ability to communicate in a natural way. By the age of 8 most children are able to comprehend the language(s) in common use around them and express themselves effectively” Andrew Ferguson, AF Consulting Image Creative Commons
“The teaching of additional language(s) would ideally replicate many of the conditions that support the acquisition of first language(s), e.g. communicative imperatives and immersion. Teaching methodologies are constantly evolving, with an increasing emphasis on purposeful, ‘real-life’ interaction, thus providing communicative imperatives for students. Unfortunately, though, many ‘additional’ languages programs are unable to offer solid immersion opportunities, thus students often miss out on constant and accurate role-modeling of ‘native’ pronunciation and accurate use of languages structures. The latter is particularly compounded by the inaccuracy of current language translation software, upon which students are increasingly reliant.” Andrew Ferguson, AF Consulting
Yehoshua Bar-Hillel (1950s) “The task of instructing a machine how to translate from one language it does not, and will not understand, into another language it does not, and will not understand, presents a real challenge…” What makes machine translation so difficult for a computer?
WWII Alan Turing – Enigma code breaker, ‘number crunching’ 1956 John McCarthy - Dartmouth Conference birth of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ 1958/59 – Yehoshua Bar-Hillel report ‘non feasibility’ of MT 1966 – John Pierce ALPAC report on MT 1980s onwards – statistical analysis What makes machine translation so difficult for a computer?
John Ball Professor Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. Dr. Hossein Eslambolchi Beth Carey Inventor Patom Theory Computer Engineer, Program Director & Cognitive Scientist System Architect Inventor Role and Reference Grammar Theoretical Linguist Theoretical Platform Internationally distinguished Inventor & Businessman Ex AT&T CTO / CIO Technology Visionary Speech Excellence Proprietary Restricted Document Feb 2015 Thinking Solutions Pty Ltd Who is Thinking Solutions
Commercial in Confidence © 2015 Thinking Solutions Pty Ltd Demonstration Intelligent Translation by Meaning
CR How could educators & learners use this technology? Recognized worldwide in the scientific community as one of the foremost thought leaders and technological scientists The primary developer of Role & Reference Grammar joined the scientific advisory board in 2013 after seeing the early technology implement his revolutionary language independent model Synergy with the Australian Curriculum Accurate Translation-on-demand Dynamic Conjugation Status of interlocutors catered to Visual Grammar Systems of Language
CR References Recognized worldwide in the scientific community as one of the foremost thought leaders and technological scientists The primary developer of Role & Reference Grammar joined the scientific advisory board in 2013 after seeing the early technology implement his revolutionary language independent model Word Sense Disambiguation: A Survey Roberto Navigli 2009 Word Sense Disambiguation: A Survey Roberto Navigli 2009 Videos of Understanding, Translation Blame Chomsky for non-speaking A.I. Speaking Artificial Intelligence, Computerworld Series Yehoshua Bar-Hillel quote from 1958 The Structure of Language, Emma L. Pavey, Cambridge University Press 2010 The Structure of Language, Emma L. Pavey, Cambridge University Press 2010 The Mind’s New Science, Howard Gardner, Basic Books 1987 The Mind’s New Science, Howard Gardner, Basic Books 1987 The Science of Natural Language Understanding (NLU)