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Presentation transcript:



FIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL PHASES Denial – Athletes commonly deny the seriousness of the condition “Nothing is really wrong” “This can’ happen to me”

FIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL PHASES Anger – Athletes often become angry with themselves, those around them, & everything in general “Why me?” “What did I do wrong?” “It’s not fair” May lose interest in rehab

FIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL PHASES Bargaining – Athlete becomes aware of real nature of injury & begins to have doubts about situation – leads to bargaining Pressure on therapy staff to “work miracles”

FIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL PHASES Depression – Athlete becomes aware of the nature of the injury & recovery time, depression may set it.

FIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL PHASES Acceptance – Athlete becomes resigned to situation. Applies maximal effort to rehab Accepts limitations & focuses on getting back to participation.

ATHLETES WHO DENY PAIN OR LOSS OF FUNCTION Some athletes can tolerate high levels of pain They think it is to their advantage not to acknowledge pain or an injury Fear they will lose playing time if coaches, trainers know they are hurt.

ATHLETES WHO VIEW INJURY AS A SOURCE OF RELIEF An injury can provide a socially acceptable reason to avoid the pressure to succeed. If an athletes can’t compete because of an injury, they can’t fail.

GOALS Allows for long & short term motivation Enables athletes to track progress Raises self-confidence Makes it easier for athletes to separate what is important Help organize the quality of daily training Should be: Written down Positive Associated with a reward

PERFORMANCE GOALS Achieving individual skills or behavior Allows athlete to set goals over things they have control of More effective

OUTCOME GOALS Directed towards the end result Usually based on the reward of winning Athletes generally have little or no control over other competitors, which affect outcome goals Can increase pressure the athlete feels to be the best

SMART GOALS How to write goals that will increase an athlete’s chance of achieving the goal Specific – well defined – what, why, how Measurable – how to know the goal is achieved (times, distances, measurements) Adjustable – can change goal as needed Realistic – the goal is something the athlete is willing to work for and is able to accomplish Time – should have a time frame for completing the goal

FOCUSED BREATHING Can help reduce stress & anxiety Slow rhythmic paced breathing In through the nose, out through the mouth Belly breathing – extend the belly instead of the chest rising.

PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION Reduce stress by learning to relax Systematically tense and relax muscles throughout the body Most common progressions run from toes to head or head to toes Let the tension dissolve, let go of the tension, let the tension flow out of the body

VISUAL IMAGERY - DEFINITION Imagining a specific environment or performing a specific acitivity

VISUAL IMAGERY GENERAL GUIDELINES Imagine performing skills very well & successful Use as many senses as possible: sight, hearing, touch, smell, & kinesthetics Internal & external perspectives should be used Athletes should control their mental images, making sure they see themselves perform as they want to.

IMAGERY, REHABILITATION, & HEALING Imagination of athletes can greatly influence their response to an injury Athletes can control their visual images to direct aid in rehab and healing Imagine injured tissue healing Mentally practice returning to activity and regaining full movement

IMAGERY & IMPROVING PERFORMANCE Athletes “see” themselves being successful & achieving goals Perform skills at high levels Seeing desired performance outcomes Complete a mental run through of the performance Mange energy levels Refocus Evaluate performance

STALENESS Definition – loss of vigor, initiative, & successful performance, may be the beginning of burnout Influences: Long seasons Monotony High levels of stress Poor eating habits Rewards are minimum

BURNOUT Definition – state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion where an individual has their abilities to cope with minor daily frustrations decreased and their ability to cope with major problems paralyzed Characterized by loss of motivation and interest

INTERVENTIONS TO TREAT STALENESS/BURNOUT Remove from activity Take time off Athlete have more control Decrease emotional demands Avoid repetition Sufficient attention to complaints & small injuries Supportive & caring environment