Copyright Harold Horton –Director, HEI 2003. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared.


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Presentation transcript:

Copyright Harold Horton –Director, HEI This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

Ohio’s Higher Education Information (HEI) System Ohio Board of Regents Harold Horton, HEI Director Ohio Board of Regents 30 E. Broad Street Columbus, OH

Overview of State Higher Education in Ohio Board of Regents is a coordinating body, not a governing body 79 campuses operated by 38 state supported (two & four year) institutions Over 550,000 students enrolled in over 120,000 courses taught by 50,000 faculty

Overview of State Higher Education in Ohio 100 million square feet of space Over $5 billion annual campus operating budget $2.5 billion in state operating and capital subsidy provided annually via complex formulas

Building and Implementing HEI Three-year development process ( ) Re-engineering of 25 yr old mainframe reporting system Collaborative process (campus officials, regents, regents staff, General Assembly, Governor) Implemented Winter 1998 State provided $8 million total over 4 years

HEI Summary of Features Unit Record system Web based system Comprehensive database Minimum requirements State of the art technology Relational database Analytic database Sophisticated security Cutting edge data extensions NATIONAL MODEL for SHEEO

National Data Warehouse Model Hosted visitors from : Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Mississippi, Kansas, West Virginia Inquiries from: New Mexico, Utah, Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, North Ca Welcome partnerships with other states

Comprehensive relational database Core data areas for public institutions: =Enrollment =Faculty/staff =Facilities =Finance =Financial aid ( Partially complete ) =Academic programs =Capital planning ( Summer 2003 )

Comprehensive relational database Enrollment data area STUDENTS SSN, Race, Sex, DOB State, ZIP First Time Enrolled Institutions enrolled Academic intention Rank-UNG,GRAD,PSOP Major GPA Accumulative Credits Earned Credit hours transferred Degrees/Certificates Earned

Comprehensive relational database Enrollment data area Course Inventory Section, credit hours Level (UG, GRD) Remediation CIP code Award of Credit COURSES Go to top of page STUDENTS

Comprehensive relational database Faculty/Staff data area SSN, Race, Sex, DOB Appointment status Tenure status Salary Funding unit (or dept) Highest degree Sections taught (workload) INSTRUCTORS Go to top of page STUDENTS COURSES

Comprehensive relational database Facilities data area INSTRUCTORS Go to top of page STUDENTS COURSES BLDGS &ROOMS Complete Inventory of space Physical and functional condition Square Footage Class meeting times Capacity & Utilization

Comprehensive relational database Finance data area INSTRUCTORS Go to top of page STUDENTS COURSES BLDGS &ROOMS Campus Budgets Financial Stmt Revenues Expenditures SPENDING

Comprehensive relational database Financial aid data area (State Grants and Scholarships—SGS) Partially complete Certification of awards Payments Refunds OAS (high schools) OIG (March 2003) FAFSA Student State Aid STUDENTS

Comprehensive relational database Academic Programs Inventory of Programs CIP Code Degree Level and Name Concentration Expected Time and Credits Program Status Program STUDENT DEGREE

Comprehensive relational database Capital Planning ( Summer 2003 ) Project Description Project Costs Building Identifier Capital Funds Capital Projects BLDGS &ROOMS

Comprehensive relational database Data areas for independent, proprietary, non-Ohio institutions: =Financial aid =Student Demographic data =Degrees and Certificates Earned

Web-based System =Accessible from anywhere =Available 24/7/365 =Minimum Requirements for access  PC and Web browser (IE or Netscape)  Account/Passwd from campus liaison for restricted access =Fast and accurate =Interactive and user-friendly =Complete system documentation on web

Colleges & Universities HEI Web-based System WWW Key Decision Makers 3. Queries and Reports Available 1. Transmit Data 2. Data edited and cleansed of errors then loaded

Analytical Capabilities Administers complex formulas  $2.5 billion in state operating and capital subsidy provided annually  Resource Analysis  Facilities Utilization Responsive to frequent data requests by legislature, campuses, media, public  Several web-based reports  Over 15 general purpose customizable & accessible web- based queries  HEI Analysts have direct access  Enrollment and Financial Aid audit administration

Analytical Capabilities  OBR web-based publications and reports produced via HEI  Governor’s Performance Report (  Student Inventory Data (SID) and Basic Data Series (BDS) (  Freshman Remediation Report (

Cutting edge data extensions and partnerships

Performance Report Data Extensions ●Independent, Proprietary, and Non-Ohio institutions  Student demographics and degrees/certificates earned ●American College Testing Inc (ACT)  Data on high school experience (GPA, curriculum) ● Federal Student Financial Aid (FAFSA)  Data on family income, indebtedness, parental education, marital status ● Wage and Salary Information from Ohio Dept of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS)  Employment and Wages While Enrolled, Employment and Wages for Stopouts, In State Employment and Wages After Graduation

Student Disability Parent’s education High School GPA Academic core? Grades # years English # years math # years science Extra-curricular High School type Poverty, SES Back to HEI Home Performance Report Data Extensions Graduate Loan indebtedness In-State Employ Salary Employer Type Further College Family Financial Aid & Family Income Loan indebtedness Parent’s education College Enrollment, Retention, Transfers, Mobility Courses, GPA Student Employment Collegiate DataPost Collegiate Data Pre-Collegiate Data

Analytical Capabilities-Data Exchanges and Partnerships IPEDS file download Perkins Reporting for State of Ohio $ ODJFS (WIA Reporting for State of Ohio) $ Ohio Tech Prep Program $ Ohio College Access Network (OCAN) $ Ohio Learning Network (OLN) $ Course Applicability System (CAS) $ Ky. Council on Post Secondary Education $ $ = Compensated for services rendered * = Planned

HEI State of the Art Technology

Web Presence  Query screens dynamically generated from the database in real time  Submission/Query authorizations granted by liaisons in real time Security  Firewalls  File Encryption

HEI State of the Art Technology Multiple Environments  Development Relational Database (edit/load) Data Warehouse (reporting)  Pilot  Practice  Production Relational Database (edit/load) Data Warehouse (reporting)

HEI State of the Art Technology Multiple Programming Languages  COBOL/SQL - Edit and Load Programs  PERL/SQL - Web Interface  Java Script/SQL - Web Queries

HEI State of the Art Technology Data Base/Warehouse Interaction  Production data replicated into reporting environment in real time. Data changes in production appear in reporting environment within minutes. Hardware/Products  Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)  Sybase Adaptive Server IQ  Sybase Replication Server

Where we are today HEI Operations in 2003 CORE HEI DATA INPUT AREAS: Enrollment (students, courses, degrees) Faculty/staff (demographics, workload) Facilities (building and room utilization) Finance (budgets and spending) Academic Programs Financial Aid (State Grant and Scholarships) Public Campuses External agencies Submit data Generate data & information Performance Report Data Extensions Data Exchanges & Partnerships DATA OUTPUTS Subsidy Performance Report OBR Publications Customized Queries Enrollment Audits Financial Aid Audits Independent, Proprietary, Non-Ohio Campus High Schools

HEI Operations - General ● Over 4,000 users serviced and supported (public, independent, proprietary, non-ohio campuses, and high school guidance counselors) ● Over 50 term and annual files submissions ● Over 25,000 edit and load file processes annually ● More than 1,500 tables containing 100 million rows of data ● Over 500 queries run per month by campus users ● Annual User’s Conference and statewide training sessions