Transport White Paper: Where do we stand? EESC, 06 March 2015 Kathrin Obst, EFIP Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Transport White Paper: Where do we stand? EESC, 06 March 2015 Kathrin Obst, EFIP Director

European Federation of Inland Ports Was created in 1994 Represents around 200 inland ports in 17 countries of the European Union, Switzerland and Ukraine The unique voice of inland ports in Europe An important information network for and about inland ports A “promoter” of inland ports

EFIP’s triple role: The unique voice of inland ports in Europe An important information network for and about inland ports A “promoter” of inland ports Source: Port of Strasbourg

Different Roles of Ports Multimodal hub on the European Transport Corridors: –Interface between the maritime and land modes of transport (rail road and IWT). –Extended gates of the major seaports. Interface between long distance transport and local logistics – allows for cargo bundling: –Sustainable city logistics and use of small waterways Platform for the regional economy: Market place where companies can conveniently choose the most suitable mode of transport according to their needs; often combined with logistics services.

Transport White Paper

The Transport White Paper -60% Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 Avoid unnecessary transport Encourage use of sustainable modes Make individual modes more efficient and green

The 2011 Transport White Paper -60% Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050 Avoid unnecessary transport Encourage use of sustainable modes Make individual modes more efficient and green Naiades II (IWT) Railway package Ports package Weights and dimensions of road vehicles NRMM etc. TEN-T and CEF (But 2.7bn budget cut through EFSI!) Planned: E-freight Price incentives (internalisation of external costs/road charging) “Curbing mobility is not an option.”

What more could we do? Avoid unnecessary transportEncourage use of sustainable modes Strategic land use Avoid/minimise last-mile road transport by strategically situating companies in ports/on the water and by forming thematic clusters of companies Example Wood Cluster Aschaffenburg:

What more could we do? Avoid unnecessary transportEncourage use of sustainable modes Facilitate Cargo bundling: Foster cooperation to bundle volumes and increase connections and frequencies: Between inland ports: Upper Rhine Ports With sea ports: HaRoPa, Ghent-Terneuzen Between terminals: GALA network in Belgium Etc. Use of joint planning tools (e.g. container cloud) => E-freight

What more could we do? Avoid unnecessary transportEncourage use of sustainable modes Set price incentives Internalisation of external costs of transport (polluter pays) can help users find transport alternatives that are best for the environment and the economy. But: Distinguish clearly from infrastructure costs (user pays) Very complex in ports, as many industries located in the port area are already subject to their own sector specific rules and charges (avoid double taxation) Reduce transhipment costs Financial support for transhipment facilities and infrastructure to bring down cost of combined transport for end users (TEN- T/CEF)

White Paper Goals

1) CO2-free city logistics by 2030: Think beyond electric cars! Waste removal: Around 2.3 bn tons of waste generated in the EU every year 60% of this amount is transported by trucks Lille: containers/year by barge ( trucks)

1) CO2-free city logistics by 2030: Think beyond electric cars! Paris Freight Distribution: Delivery to Franprix supermarkets by barge Urban last mile by truck 26 containers or 450 pallets/day Modal shift of tkm CO 2 savings of 37%

3) Shift 30% of road freight transport above 300km to rail and IWW by 2030: Think of shorter distances, too! Seaport Hinterland traffic: More than t/year are transported by IWW between the ports of Antwerp and Brussels. More is possible! 75% of road freight is on distances below 150km (Eurostat) and thus not covered by this goal.

5) TEN-T and CEF: Don’t ruin success by cutting funds now! Focus on multimodality Focus on sustainability Has potential to substantially improve performance of individual modes by removing bottlenecks But also connections between modes that enable more sustainable transport chains EFSI proposal cuts CEF transport budget by EUR 2.7bn (-18% for non- Cohesion countries)

5) Juncker Plan/EFSI Proposal Proposes to cut CEF transport budget by EUR 2.7bn (-18% for non- Cohesion countries) So far no ring-fencing for transport No focus on TEN-T Investments will follow a different logic (purely revenue driven) – this shifts the priorities away from those defined in TEN-T. Cutting the grants budget will reduce the possibility of using blending of grants and financial instruments to make projects attractive to investors.

Initiative 5) A framework for Inland Waterway transport

Naiades II Key issues: Not all inland waterway corridors are fully navigable (Danube, Elbe) Danube Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Plan: Endorsed by all Member States but one in December 2014 Action must now follow! Harmonisation of navigation rules across river basins: Cooperation between CCNR and EC foreseen as part of Naiades II Work in Council ongoing Harmonisation also with third countries will be necessary to avoid unfair competition. In view of the difficult financial situation of the sector, proposals for stricter emission standards for vessel engines need to be accompanied by financial support for funding of retro-fitting.

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