AST 111
The Sun is the STAR at the center of the Solar System Anything else belonging to the Solar System is NOT a star!
What is the difference between a star and a planet?
Stars have enough gravity to initiate and sustain nuclear fusion reactions at their cores Planets do not Cores of planets are hot, but are not producing nuclear reactions
The Sun (and all the other stars) spend their lifetimes fusing H into He Depletion of H signals the end of a star’s life The initial amount of H and the rate at which the star fuses H into He determine a star’s lifetime
What is the Sun made of and why?
Mostly H, some He, and a small amount of heavier elements (nitrogen, oxygen, iron, etc.)
Diameter: 865,000 miles (108 D Earth ) Mass: 330,000 M Earth Determined from Kepler’s 3 rd Law Composition: 70% Hydrogen, 28% Helium, 2% other elements From spectroscopy
Contains over 99.9% of the mass of the Solar System Keep in mind the size of Earth, Jupiter, etc. The surface is 10,000 o F It is gaseous H and He, not solid The core is 15,000,000 o F 5 billion years old Will shine for another 5 billion years
From P. 497 of the book: “If we could somehow capture and store just 1 second’s worth of the Sun’s luminosity, it would be enough to meet current human energy demands for roughly the next 500,000 years.”
PLASMA is the phase of matter in the Sun Tenuous (gas-like) at outer surface, much more dense toward core The high temperatures do not allow electrons to stay bound to nuclei
The Sun shines. “Creates its own light” The planets reflect light from the Sun They do glow, but well below visible light frequencies
Ancients believed that the Sun was a type of fire Wood burning, coal burning, and other chemical processes insufficient to generate the Sun’s energy
Late 1800’s, an incorrect idea: The Sun slowly contracts gravitationally, generating large amounts of thermal energy Recall conservation of energy Potential energy Thermal energy Calculations gave 25 million years worth of shining Fossils and rocks on Earth were known to be way more than 25 million years old
E = mc 2
Nuclear reactions fuse H into He Mass is converted to energy in this process Two smaller nuclei mash into one larger one The larger one weighs less than the sum of the two smaller ones The mass deficit is converted to energy
Doesn’t gravity still try to collapse the star? Don’t the nuclear reactions try to blow it apart?
They balance! Gravity pulls matter inward Pressure from hotter layers and nuclear reactions pushes matter outward
A stack of acrobats: Bottom one is pressed the hardest, and pushes the hardest Middle one presses less, is pushed less Top one isn’t pressed from above, doesn’t push
Hydrostatic equilibrium keeps the Sun’s size stable What happens when the Sun has fused all of its hydrogen into helium?