Welcome to Relay For Life of Indiana University’s 2009 KICKOFF!!!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Relay For Life of Indiana University’s 2009 KICKOFF!!!

What is the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life? What can be expected of me and my teammates? How do I register my team? What can my team and I do to celebrate our Cancer Survivors and Caregivers? How about some tips on fundraising that money!?! Any questions? Overview of Tonight’s Presentation:

Video of Collegiate Relay TNriZI

This year marks the 25 th Year of RELAY FOR LIFE!! Let’s talk about Gordy…Cancer never sleeps, so why should we? Relay is American Cancer Society’s BIGGEST fundraising event of the year, last year we raised 400 million nation-wide! The money that you raise fights cancer through cancer research, education, advocacy and patient services By signing up a team, you promise to help us raise money so that we can all fight cancer in every community! Each member is asked to raise at least $100 Primary methods of fundraising Online fundraising, traditional letter-writing campaigns, canning, bake sales, Mr. and Mrs. Relay, on-site fundraisers at the event Each team keeps one member on the track AT ALL TIMES!! Relay For Life provides an opportunity to do something against a disease that claims too many lives each year So what exactly IS Relay For Life?

Our goals: –100 Teams, 1,000 Participants –$100,000!!!!! –60 Survivors/Caregivers Our Theme: –The REAL Celebrities- Celebrating our Survivors and Caregivers. We’ll feature a movie star red carpet, a celebrity costume contest, a walk of FAME!!, paparazzi, and a VIP room Some activities: –Battle of the Bands –The return of the TOUCH FOOTBALL GAME!! Awards presented by the IU Football Team –Movies shown throughout the evening –The Mummy Race –Pie Eating Contest What about this year’s Relay?

How do we make teams? Teams are made of at least people (friends, co-workers, family, etc.). Each member raises minimum of $100, but try to go beyond that goal. One person needs to be designated the Team Captain (whoever registers the team online) and will need to attend monthly meetings from now until Relay (or send a representative from your team) Dates for these meetings (all on Tuesday nights): November 11 February 17 December 9 March 10 January 13 Bank Night March 31 January 27 Relay For Life April 4-5 All meetings will be held in the Dogwood Room in the IMU at 7pm Bank Night is where all the money raised off line (Cash and Checks) will be turned in. We will also have t-shirts available at this time for those members on your team who’ve met their $100 fundraising goal Don’t have people to start a team of your own? We will be forming a general team that you can join. This will be a great way to meet new people.

The final fundraising total and the top teams will be announced at the conclusion of Relay. –Individual teams with the most online/offline money raised will get special passes to the VIP area. The team at the end with the most money raised per capita (ie average total for each person) will receive a special prize to be awarded at Relay’s end Each participant will register for $10. This counts towards their goal of $100. For special cases only, organizations that wish to pay everyone’s registration fee offline (by cash or check) in one lump sum must do so by January 27 –For this option, the team captain should select the registration option called “Team Captain Starting A Team—Pay Registration Fee For Entire Team Offline Via Cash Or Check” Payment for the entire team may be sent to the American Cancer Society no later than January 27. So register your team, get your friends together, and let’s get ready to RELAY! Teams Cont.

Online Registration: Relay Online Basics- Sign Up your team Set Up your page Send s to raise money Register Online Go to IU Relay website ( Sign up a new team as a team captain or join an existing team If you were on a team last year, be sure sign in first. Why? Your registration information will carry over! Just be sure to update your current mailing address and phone number. When registering for this year, please only use your local/campus address so you can get your welcome gift from ACS for signing up! Make it Personal You can customize your webpage by adding pictures, writing your story about why you relay, and making a tagline! Online Fundraising Send s to your friends, family, classmates through your personal page, which gives them a direct link Encourage people to donate to your team online Visit the IU Relay site for fundraising tips Relay ing Keep in touch with your team and sponsors throughout the season Encourage members to raise $100 incentives

What about Survivors? Adopt a survivor –Form your team around an honorary survivor (friend, relative, professor, parent) Invite their caregivers to Relay, too! Any survivors/caregivers that come to Relay without a team will be “assigned” to a team. We want you to feel connected to our survivors! Winter Luminaria Ceremony—New! –Luminaria bags are $10 each and they can be designated “In Memory of” (passed away) or “In Honor of” (still living) for people who’ve been affected by cancer –This is a great fundraising tool that goes towards your personal and team goal –Ceremony will take place December 11 th in the late afternoon. Start selling bags now so we can fill the pathway from Ballantine to Woodburn We will also have a Survivor and Caregiver Dinner at Relay, Special Activities, including the Survivor Lap, followed by the Caregiver Lap Personalized Gifts –We hope to make personal gifts for the survivors to keep as memoirs of the night! Possible ideas-flower pots, baskets with gifts, t-shirts, etc

15 Easy Fundraising Ideas 1. Flush Away Cancer 2. Mass - send s to your parents and parent’s friends from your page, you’ll raise money while you sleep! 3. Facebook groups/messaging! 4. Jewelry Sales- make ribbon bracelets! 5. Send an ecard 6. Host a fundraiser at a local restaurant-All you have to do is ask! 7. Sell Coupon packets! These can include gas certificates too! 8. Hold a concert with local Bloomington band! Charge a cover fee! 9. Hold a can & bottle drive or a bake sale! 10. Make and sell Lap Trackers! 11. Bus Tables at a local restaurant for donations! 12. Have a car wash! Or a squeegee day! 13. Go canning! 14. Sell flowers on Valentine’s Day! 15. Host snacks for a Relay Meeting! How can I raise money?

Things you’ll receive today to help you get going! Team Captain Resources –How to Register Online Sheets for you and your team members –Donation Collection Envelopes –Luminaria forms –Team Captain Checklist Mission Delivery Challenge –Bringing American Cancer Society’s mission to the forefront –We will focus on breast and colorectal cancer, and advocacy as a means to make cancer a legislative priority –This year, we will ask each team to complete each of these mission delivery activities, but more on that later! Tell A Friend ACS CAN Membership Picture A Cure

Any questions? Got those team captain meeting dates written down? They will also be uploaded to our site, too Please feel free to come talk to any of the volunteers here with any other questions you might have. Also, you may questions to: Beth Taber, IU Relay for Life Chair Courtney Schultz, Relay for Life Vice Chair Josh Green, Team Development Co-Chair Talk to me for Team Questions! Doug Watson, Team Development Co-Chair