The Growth of Cities Pgs Chicago 1892
City Growth By 1900 American cities were growing at a rapid rate. –Millions of immigrants –Millions moving from rural farms –By 1920 more people lived in cities and towns than in rural areas. –As cities grew, so did their problems.
City Problems Overcrowded tenements (apartments) with many families living in the same space. Disease spread quickly and many people got sick. In 1900 in Chicago, three out of every five babies died before they reached the age of three. Unsanitary conditions led to many illnesses.
City Problems A report issued on tenement estimated that in 1900 there were 960,000 people in Chicago who were without bathing facilities in their homes. The Mayor requested the construction of additional public baths which was supported by the Health Department. Many laborers paid a 25 cent fee for the use of a bath; many others simply bathed infrequently, particularly in the winter months.
More City Problems Crime Gangs Lack of an adequate police force Garbage Insects and rats spreading disease Fire
Chicago Fire of 1871 The danger of fire was greater because buildings were built so close together. Fires were spread out of control and burn entire city blocks. A fire in Chicago burned for an entire day killing around 300 people and leaving 90,000 homeless.
Jane Addams Works for Change Jane Addams came from a wealthy family and went to college. Something very few women had done at the time. She worried about the growing problems of tenement living in Chicago. On a visit to England, Ms. Addams found a solution to help with the problem.
Jane Addams Works for Change She visited a London settlement house or community center where people could learn new skills. In 1889 Jane returned to Chicago and opened Hull House. At this settlement house there was a kindergarten for children whose mothers worked. Classes were available ins sewing, cooking, and English.
Jane Addams Works for Change Jane worked to improve living conditions in tenements. She tried to abolish child labor and improve health and safety conditions in mills and factories. Hull House became a model for other community centers.