Jeffrey Hepworth Erik Mauer Brendan Murphy David Rodriguez VEND Team VEND‘etta’
Retrofit existing vending machines with: New interactive features Energy saving technology Globally accessible inventory control system Extremely Modular Upgrading System Allows for customizable module additions depending on owner needs
User interface replaced with LCD touch screen display Upgrade to electronic payment technology Upgrade to high-efficiency lighting Conserves energy by hibernating when there is no human interaction Wired/wireless host interface
Altera Cyclone II FPGA Handles LCD Touch Screen Driving Motor Driving Vending State Machine NIOS II soft-core processor Handles Payments Host Communication Sensors LCD Graphics Processing Replace existing control board Emulates current vending machine functions Implements new upgraded features
High resolution Touch Panel LCD 8bit per color Displays user interface and information Dynamic Menu Selection Replaces keypad Electronic Payment interface Authorized Payment
Utilize existing bill and coin acceptors Multi-Drop Bus (MDB) Standard for coin/bill acceptor communications Proprietary current-controlled signal Not trivial to convert MDB to any standardized protocol MDB2PC ™ board Hardware/Software interface for MDB to RS232 conversion Allows controller board to communicate with coin/bill acceptor and process payments/payouts Board donated by Upstate Networks
Magnetic card reader and RFID Credit/Debit cards Buff OneCards Identifications cards Reloadable charge card Allows for loading credits on any card with a magnetic stripe or RFID. Interface with control board via RS232 for processing
VeriVend System Optical sensor detects if item has dropped Motion Sensor Detects human presence, and brings the system out of hibernation Temperature Monitor temperature of Soft Drinks/Snacks Alerts host of temperature issues Tilt/Shock Sensor Detect if someone tilts machine Set off alarm Alerts host of attempted mischief
Utilize existing motors Modify hardware to drive motors Motors are wired in a matrix configuration Motor high and motor low signals are multiplexed to rows and columns to select a single motor Motor Driving: 500mA (including in-rush current) Motors run one at a time Operates at infrequent intervals, so power dissipation is not a problem
Currently uses Fluorescent Lighting Replace with LEDs Hibernation mode Goes into hibernation mode with no human interaction LED lighting and LCD will turn off Light-sensing control If not in hibernation, lighting adjusts with light intensity
Uses a wired or wireless connection Wired: RS232, Ethernet Wireless: Zigbee, Bluetooth, or WiFi Features GUI on a Windows Host PC Inventory Control Pricing Sales/Profit Service Mode
MDB to RS232 board (MDB2PC) 6A Drives coin/bill acceptors Motors Altera FPGA board 1.3A Sensors/LEDs Undermined
A unit test will be designed and run for each module/block at every stage of implementation, debugging as needed A module-interfacing test will be run as each module is added to the total system PCB testing/debugging will be done with each revision Safety Utilizes existing safety standards Our design eliminates most of the high-voltage components
LED Price Tags Individually-programmable, updated dynamically Solar Power Module Fountain Drink dispensing General merchandise inventory additions VendBot Hooligan identification and reporting system
Budget ItemPrice MDB2PCDonated ($300) LCD$206 Magnetic Card Reader$70 Altera Breakout Board$80 Power Supply$40 PCB$200 Sensors$30 Remote Interface$100 Shipping$100 RFID$50 Misc. Parts$123 Total$999
Labor Distribution JeffBrendanErikDavid LCD X MDB X Control Board XX Motors XX E Payment XX Sensors XX PCB XX Power Supplies X Lighting X Pricing Display XX
PDR LCD functional MDB shipped CDR Preliminary PCB Layout (Rev. 1) Understanding of MDB Communications E Payment Communication Motor Driving
Milestone 1 LCD Implemented Motor Control Implemented MDB Implemented Milestone 2 Sensors Implemented Remote Interface Implemented Control Board PCB completed
MDB Proprietary Signal Not easy to convert Expensive Graphics/ LCD Limited Experience GUI Programming Wireless Limited Experience Technology Security/Privacy Credit Card information issues