Collin Grogan ESS 363
What is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple Sclerosis- A progressive disease in which the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves degenerates and causes failures in the body’s neurological system. (Dunn J., Leitschuh C.)
Description -Autoimmune (immune system attacks the body instead of attacking bacteria in the body) -Effects protective covering of nerves known as the myelin sheath (demyelization)- scar tissue builds up and destroys the layer of myelin -after demyelization the nerves can not transmit signals properly or sometimes not at all
Effects of Demyelization/MS Blurs vision/eye pain/double vision Decreases Coordination Muscle stiffness Difficulty controlling urination Numbness/tingling
Effects Cont’d Short term memory loss Unclear thinking or “brain fog” Decreased ability to make decisions/solve problems Stress and fatigue may magnify symptoms
Treatments No cure Treatments can help control symptoms and in some cases slow down the progression of MS
Citations Dunn, J., & Leitschuh, C. (2006). Special physical education. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt. What is multiple sclerosis? what cause MS?.WebMD - Better information. Better health.. Retrieved April 27, 2010, from sclerosis/guide/what-is-multiple-sclerosis. sclerosis/guide/what-is-multiple-sclerosis Adaptations For Cognitive Changes in Multiple Sclerosis. EzineArticles Submission. Retrieved May 3, 2010, from