Address register: HM Land Registry’s experience Jon Atkey Head of International Unit, HM Land Registry England and Wales
HM Land Registry The UK experience in the creation and use of property address data for “E-government” reforms The address file E-Services provided by HM Land Registry
Land Registry – Head Office –
Land Registry – Fylde Office
Land administration structure Environment National mapping Justice Land registration Agriculture Land use Finance Land valuation and taxation Lawyers Notaries Banks Lenders Estate agents Citizens Businesses Public authorities Land Records and information
Land Registry Our principal aims are to : Maintain and develop a stable and effective land registration system throughout England and Wales Guarantee title to registered estates and interests in land for the whole of England and Wales
Land Registry today Over 22 million titles, which equates to 74% of England and Wales being registered Workload – 26.7 million applications received and processed in 2008/9 (down from 36.3m) Wholly self-financing. No call on public funds, even under the current abnormal market conditions Turnover – £308 million in 2008/9 (down from £483m)
Land Registry today The credit crunch has had a major effect on our income which was down from £483m in 2007/8 to £308 in 2008/9 Workforce of 6,246 (5,622 full time equivalents) June 2010 Down from 8,177 (7,350 full time equivalents) Oct 2008, following the mergers and redundancies Currently 17 regional offices 3 offices will close in 2011
Turnover – £308 million in 2008/9 (down from £483m) Workload – 26.7 million applications received and processed in 2008/9 (down from 36.3m) 97.2% of customers rated the overall service provided by Land Registry as excellent, very good or good Land Registry today
Customers and stakeholders Home owners (buyers and sellers) Property owning organisations (companies, utilities, property developers) Lenders (banks and building societies) Conveyancers (solicitors, licensed conveyancers and DIY conveyancers) The Law Society Estate agents, surveyors and removal firms Central and local government
How customers can contact us In person at Customer Information Centres By post (enquiries/lodging applications) By telephone (general enquiries and 6 Telephone Service Centres which take approx. 2,000 calls daily for official copies/searches) Online (services for professional users and for the general public) Website ( for information, leaflets &
Land Registry Property Gazetteer
– Most postal addresses in LRPG originate from Royal Mail’s Postcode Address File (PAF) – A database containing all known addresses and Postcodes in the UK, including England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man. –PAF® holds over 28 million addresses and 1.75 million Postcodes Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF)
– The Postcode is part of a coding system created and used by the Royal Mail across the UK for sorting mail – Just Postcode and house number – Also used by businesses, banks, etc n For fast, reliable address entry n Also for security checks Royal Mail Postcode Address File (PAF)
The addresses are supplied to HM Land Registry by Ordnance Survey as part of their ADDRESS-POINT product Ordnance Survey’s ADDRESS-POINT
– The correct postal address, which allows users to address mail properly as required by Royal Mail®; – precise geographic position of the address (subject to its positional quality) and relate it directly to OS MasterMap® Topography Layer data; – unique reference code for every delivery point; ADDRESS-POINT features
–a status flag, indicating the seed type, positional quality, physical status and address match status applied to each delivery point; – change indicators to classify the last update of each record; and – a source currency indicator to record the date of the last Royal Mail PAF used to update the ADDRESS-POINT database. ADDRESS-POINT features
Based on ADDRESS- POINT Used Land Registry staff for correct address entry on registration and subsequent address searching Land Registry Property Gazetteer
Where available, use the Postcode together with the house number or name for the initial search
Seedpoint coordinates make it possible to link from the LRPG entry to the OS map, using the torch icon Land Registry Property Gazetteer
Land Registry e-Services
For Business users: Register, title plan and document views Official copies of registers, title plans and documents Official searches Search of the index map Day list enquiry Outline application Electronic discharge of mortgages Electronic charges, including e-signatures Land Registry e-Services
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