Power Distribution Studies at Fermilab Aida Todri, FNAL ATLAS/CMS Power WG Meeting March 31 st, 2010
Outline Panel test stand. System setup. DC-DC conversion powering scheme tests: Efficiency measurements. Cooling impact on converter. Pixel performance measurements. 2
Panel Test Stand 3 CAPTAN DAQ system, 12bit ADC, 65MHz Panel 21 ROCs, TBM, 40MHz, Ianalog~1.35A, Idigital~1.5A with external load Converters AMIS2 DC-DC converters for V A and V D.
Pixel Calibration 4 Analog signal in ADC counts from all the readout chips in a panel sampled by the front-end digitizer. Decoding of analog signal.
DC-DC Converters 5 Chip: AMIS2 by CERN Vin=6-12V Iout<3A Vout=3.3V fs=600kHz..3MHz PCB: Aachen 2 copper layers External air-core inductor L=550nH, R=80m Ω AMIS2
Efficiency Measurements (w/o cooling) 6 DIGITAL TempVinInVoutIoutEff room = 28 ˚ C % % % % % % % % % ANALOG TempVinInVoutIoutEff room = 28 ˚ C % % % % % % % % %
Impact of Chip Cooling 7 Observation : Cooling the converter chip ~20 ˚ C impacts the regulator and decreases the voltage level being supplied to the panel. Cause degradation in the signal pulse. w/ coolingno cooling
Temperature Measurement 8 T on_chip =70 ˚ C T on_ind =88 ˚ C T on_chip =69 ˚ C T on_ind =106.8 ˚ C no coolingwith air fan cooling
Efficiency w/ Cooling 9
Power Supply Noise No converter w/ DC-DC converters 10 Vout=3.26V, Vin=9V Temp=62.8 ˚ C Vout=2.42V ∆ =278mV
Performance Measurements S-Curve Test: 11 To measure the signal threshold and noise level of each pixel. Efficiency of the pixel is derived as a function of the amplitude of the calibration signal. Each pixel response is obtained by injecting calibration pulses with different Vcal DAC values (1Vcal=65e). S-Curve calibration is run with and without DC-DC converters.
Noise and Threshold Dispersion 12
Pixel Noise Maps 13
Threshold Dispersion Maps 14
Serial Powering Test Stand SPi Chip: FNAL V shunt =1.2 to 3V I series =0 to 4A 15 CAPTAN sending data packets to program the SPi chip to operate at different modes. SPi powered through a power supply source by limiting current. Limited current output to drive a plaquette or panel Used ~ 250mA
Next Test Setup 16 CAEN A4603 DC-DC Conversion Panel Setup modified CAEN A4603 module to power up the chips Perform test a lower temperatures (chiller box) Perform test with a magnet 1.5T.
Conclusions Currently: Performing power integrity tests on the panel system Performing pixel performance measurements Characterizing the DC-DC converter and serial powering schemes and their efficiencies Next Steps: Continue with performance measurement studies for DC-DC powering scheme. Complete test stand setup using: CAEN power supply, magnet, cooler temps. Testing of serial powering scheme Efficiency comparisons between two schemes. 17