31/07/2009 Bait ul Futuh Mosque London
Huzur (aba) said that we should thank Allah the Exalted who made the Jama’at Ahmadiyya one unit Success of Jalsa Salana is Allah's great blessing Heart-warming expressions of Non- Ahmadi guests Special commendation of MTA team Extreme gratitude for Allah ‘s blessings Special prayers Discipline and fortitude of guests Praise to the dedication of volunteers
Start of rain and stop of rain both were in favour of Jama’at Allah safeguarded the Jama’at from all evils Of thousands of guests, only negligible (3-4) number developed Swine flu
Huzur (aba) said There are countless blessings during Jalsa which most do not see or experience We need to constantly thank God; thank Him for what we observe and also for what we do not know The Holy Qur’an states: ‘And if you try to count the favours of Allah, you will not be able to number them. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.’ (16:19)
‘…surely, then, Allah is Appreciating, All Knowing.’ (2:159). Certainly we are most grateful to God and turn to Him with greater fervour so that His blessings on us increase God states, If our gratitude is sincere, God will be appreciative ‘…If you are grateful, I will, surely bestow more favours on you…’ (14:8) Huzur (aba) said real gratefulness is when we are thankful consistently
Men, women and children From many nations and backgrounds Volunteers worked despite being tired and deprived of sleep Duties were done in most pleasing manner
MTA team worked tirelessly to transmit the proceedings of Jalsa all over the world.
Lack of rest and proper meals may be a cause of concern In charges must look after their workers No valuables to be left in the tent areas Improved security at the accommodation block
Co-operation with Health and Safety requirements For maintaining cleanliness Taking Swine flu homeopathic medicine Listening quietly and attentively in a disciplined fashion
Co-operation transport arrangements specially the train to Alton Excellent Traffic management Mayor of Alton commended the transport arrangements
Huzur (aba) gave an account of some of the sentiments expressed by the Non Ahmadi guests.
The atmosphere of diversity experienced at the Jalsa was unique. The warm greetings took the tiredness of long hours away. The unity exhibited during three days of Jalsa was matchless. People rose and sat down at one voice This gathering was a testimony to the success of beautiful ideologies.
During Jalsa it was evident that for the Ahmadis God’s creation was most precious as in return of their hospitality they only wished for God’s pleasure. Ahmadiyyat was indeed the true Islam and was the likely future of Islam in the world. Ahmadiyyat presented high values of spirituality and was a practical manifestation of ‘love for all hatred for none’.
The selfless service given by children made it seem that they received this training while still in the wombs of their mothers A Christian dignitary said that the International Bai’at and Huzur’s concluding address changed their life
Although people from diverse nations were attending the Jalsa, they all seemed to be standard- bearers for humanity. A Muslim lady guest found that attending the Jalsa was a great experience. She said that God willing, if she came into Ahmadiyyat, she will not be on her own but her friends and dear ones will be with her.
May God enhance the sincerity of each Ahmadi May He also enhance their spirit of thankfulness May the axis of all our loves be the Being of God May God enable us to do this. Aameen
Extreme gratitude to Allah the Exalted for making the Jalsa Salana UK 2009 a resounding success Praise and thankfulness to all volunteers and guests Excellent impression of Non-Ahmadi dignitaries was heart-warming