Year Ten
A static image commentary is intended to explain the choices you have made when constructing your image. You should be discussing HOW you want the different features of your advertisement to attract attention and promote the subject of your advertisement. Think about: WHAT you want each feature to make your viewer think.
Colour Dominant visual image Layout Empty space Background Border Font Contrast Symbols Logo
Imperative Slogan Jargon Superlative Hyperbole Alliteration Assonance Cliché Endorsement Emotive words Listing Pun Rhetorical Question Facts/Statistics Simile/metaphor Quotes
Your commentary should include: An introduction which tells us; What product, service or event you are advertising. Who your target audience is. Identify AT LEAST THREE visual features from your advertisement. Identify AT LEAST THREE verbal features from your advertisement. Explain the effects you intend for each of these features.
My advertisement is for proactive, which is a face wash product which is designed to keep skin clean and clear. My target audience is teenagers and young people because these are the people that are usually affected by acne and other skin problems. This product will be most useful to them. This Introduction identifies product/thing being advertised and the target audience.
A verbal technique that I have used in my advertisement is celebrity endorsement. I have included the quote “I think everyone deserves to be clear so I’m really glad to tell people about Proactiv” from Justin Bieber. I have used Bieber as celebrity endorsement because he is very well-known and is popular with much of my target audience. The effect of this is that people looking at the advertisement will be encouraged to use the product because they want to be like Justin Bieber and my advertisement suggests that he uses Proactiv. Young people trust celebrities who recommend products like this, because they see the great lives that celebrities have and think that the product is associated.
A verbal technique that I have used in my advertisement is celebrity endorsement. I have included the quote “I think everyone deserves to be clear so I’m really glad to tell people about Proactiv” from Justin Bieber. This identifies the technique and describes the specific example of this technique used in the advertisement.
I have used Bieber as celebrity endorsement because he is very well-known and is popular with much of my target audience. This part of the paragraph identifies the reason that I have selected this particular celebrity to endorse the product and links to the target audience.
The effect of this is that people looking at the advertisement will be encouraged to use the product because they want to be like Justin Bieber and my advertisement suggests that he uses Proactiv. Young people trust celebrities who recommend products like this, because they see the great lives that celebrities have and think that the product is associated. This part of the paragraph discusses the intended effect of this feature of the advertisement- how they want people to react or respond to the endorsement and why.
A visual feature I have used in my advertisement is the dominant visual image of Justin Bieber pointing at the audience. I have chosen this image as it links to the celebrity endorsement of the quote from Bieber. This dominant visual image will attract the attention of my target audience, who are very interested in Justin Bieber and his music. This will draw their attention to the advertisment. The reason that he is pointing to the audience in the image makes the audience feel like he is recommending the product to them personally, and encourages them to feel like they need the product. This will make them want to buy Proactiv.
A visual feature I have used in my advertisement is the dominant visual image of Justin Bieber pointing at the audience. This identifies the feature and the specific example of it in the paragraph.
I have chosen this image as it links to the celebrity endorsement of the quote from Bieber. The student explains the link between this visual feature and another verbal feature of the advertisement.
This dominant visual image will attract the attention of my target audience, who are very interested in Justin Bieber and his music. This will draw their attention to the advertisement. This part of the paragraph explains how this visual feature specifically links to the target audience.
The reason that he is pointing to the audience in the image makes the audience feel like he is recommending the product to them personally, and encourages them to feel like they need the product. This will make them want to buy Proactiv. This part of the paragraph explains how this feature will encourage the audience to purchase the product.