The Croatian Public Administration System I
Main parts State administration Local and regional self-government Public services
The State Administration Two levels of the state administrative bodies: 1. Central level – ministries, state administrative organizations, central state offices 2. Lower level – state administrative departments, one in each county
The Government A body which shall exercise the executive powers in conformity with the Constitution and law The Government shall pass decrees, introduce legislation, propose the state budget, decide in cases of conflict of jurisdiction between government institutions, give answers to representatives’ questions and adopt strategies of economic and social development
The Government structure The Government consists of the Prime Minister, one or more Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers
The Prime Minister and the members of the Government are jointly responsible for decisions passed by the Government and individually responsible for their respective portfolios Currently there are 20 Ministries
State administrative organizations Central Bureau of Statistics Meteorological and Hydrological Service National Protection and Rescue Directorate State Bureau of Metrology State Geodetic Directorate State Office for Nuclear Safety State Intellectual Property Office
Central State Offices In closest relation with the Prime Minister Central Office for e-Croatia Central Office for Development Strategy and Coordination of EU Funds Central Office for State Property Management
Local Self-Government Local self-government units: municipalities and towns (429 municipalities – rural areas and 126 towns – urban areas) Municipality: a unit of local self-government which has been established for an area with several communities that together represent a natural, economic and social whole and are linked by common interests of their residents
Towns 126 towns Town – a unit of local self-government where the seat of the county is located, as well as any other community with more than 10,000 residents The town may include suburban communities
Regional self-government Regional self-government units: counties 20 counties and the City of Zagreb (twofold status) - the City of Zagreb as the country’s capital enjoys a special status of both city and county County – a unit of regional self-government whose territory represents a natural, historical, traffic, economic, social whole, organized for the purpose of performing tasks of regional interest
Public services Centrally financed public services: education, health service, social security service and science Locally financed: pre-school education, libraries and museums, utility services
Institutions Institutions which perform public services are autonomous Financed through the central state budget or the budgets of local and regional self-government units Allowed to partially charge for their services
Civil servants Four categories according to employment: 1. State administration 2. Local and regional self-government units 3. Centrally financed public services 4. Locally financed public services
Translate the following: Tijela državne uprave su ministarstva, državni uredi, državne upravne organizacije i uredi državne uprave u županijama. Ministarstva, državni uredi i državne upravne organizacije su središnja tijela državne uprave. Uredi državne uprave u županijama su prvostupanjska tijela državne uprave. Uredi državne uprave u županijama obavljaju poslove državne uprave na području županije u kojoj su osnovani. U svakoj županiji osnovan je jedan ured državne uprave.
Vocabulary Local and regional self-government – mjesna i područna samouprava Central state office – središnji državni ured County – županija Municipality – općina Utility services – komunalne službe
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