Other causes of bleeding in early pregnancy cervical ectropion eversion ) -
wrong to say cervical erosion -this condition appear at ( puberty ) ( pregnancy )
Cause : increase level of estrogen -normal tissue of cervical columnar epithelium cells ,while vaginal tissue is seguammous epithelium
pathology : proliferation of columnar epithelial cells extend from cervical os to vagina Morphology : vagina become red dark appearance
Clinical presentation : -excessive vaginal discharge -tissue become fragile & liable to bleed -intermittent blood stained loss -spontaneous bleeding after sexual intercourse
Diagnosis : By client complain &speculum examination Treatment: no need for treatment ,resolve spontaneously in the pueriperum period
cervical polyps (precancerous condition ) Definition of polyps : small ,vascular ,pedinculated growth Component of polyps : -sequammous -columnar epithelium -connective tissue -blood vessels
Pathology : -hyperplasia of cervical canal & external cervical os -c\p: -asymptomatic -bleeding during pregnancy
Dx: Speculum examination Rx: No treatment during pregnancy ,if sever bleeding ---pap smear ??malignancy
carcinoma of the cervix : -incidence 1\6000 -cancer cervix diagnosed during pregnancy in the 1st &2nd
Types of the cancer cervix: seguammous cell carcinoma Aden carcinoma polyps etiology : infection with HPV human papilloma virus type 16 18 ,this infection persist in the epithelium
clinical picture : -blood stained vaginal discharge Diagnosis: 1-screening pap smear (routine ) 2-speculum examination 3-colopscopy 4-cervical biopsy
Treatment cancer cervix depend on:-on gestational age -stage of the disease 1-cone biopsy : cervical excision -this operation done under GA -it is diagnostic &treatment at the same times
Complication of this procedure : risk of hemorrhage risk for miscarriage if the mother in the 1st and 2nd trimester better for termination of pregnancy to get treatment
c\p: asymptomatic diagnosis: colopscopy -pap smear ( papanicolaou ) smear treatment: after pregnancy ended , follow up by colopscopy to detect the stage of the disease
vaccination against HPV 16,18 was developed given at woman aged up to 26 years old -effective in prevention of development CIN -not safe during pregnancy -this vaccination will not obviate the need for cervical screening
woman age 26 years discuss the benefit of vaccine
Risk group woman to develop HPV learning disabilities minority ethnic group indigenous population sexually active sexually abuse smoker less access to health care