Changing Learning. Changing Lives. Mobile Embedded Self-study Materials for CPD: The Use of English Language for Teachers (EL4T) in Bangladesh 21 February 2014
Changing Learning. Changing Lives. ফারহান আজিম (Farhan Azim) মীর মো : সাইফুর রহমান (Mir Md. Saifur Rahman) ২১ শে ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০১৪ (21 February 2014)
Nine years programme started at the request of Government of Bangladesh with support of UK Government From 2008 to 2017 Three Phases of 3 years – Phase 1: Pilot Phase Phase 2: Up-scaling Phase Phase 3: Institutionalization English in Action (EIA)
To contribute to the economic development of Bangladesh by providing English language as a tool for better access to the world economy. Project Goal Project Purpose To increase significantly the number of people able to communicate in English, to levels that enable them to participate fully in economic and social activities and opportunities.
25 million learners to be reached Target audiences: Primary teachers and students, Secondary teachers and students Adult learners Target groups:
Helps to develop all four skills of English Language Closely related to national curriculum and textbook – English for Today 30 learning activities Pronunciation and vocabulary activity from BBC Janala Tasks and instructions within the activities Organized from easy to hard Suggestions on how to use the learning in school in ‘Back to School’ What is ‘English Language for Teachers’/ EL4T ?
As the term suggests, SDL views learners as responsible owners and managers of their own learning process. According to Garrison’s (1997) self directed learning (SDL) model it is a combination of self-management, self- monitoring, and motivation. What is Self Directed Learning (SDL):
English in Action Self Study Cycle: Self study Sharing with peer Try in the classroom Self & peer Reflection Reflection in Cluster Meeting New learning
English in Action (EIA) provides self-study material (EL4T) to teachers. In reference to Garrison’s (1997) self directed learning (SDL) model, this research explores how the self-study materials are contributing to teachers’ continuous professional development. What this research explores?
Self Management (task control and management of learning resources and support) Self Monitoring (cognitive and metacognitive processes where teachers are responsible for critical reflection and collaborative confirmation) Motivation (decision to participate and effort required to stay) Brief overview of Garrison’s Model
Qualitative in nature Sampling: Convenience sampling - Data collected from 3 upazilas under Dhaka division (Sutrapur, Nawabganj, Kishorganj Sadar) - 6 primary school teachers were interviewed (3 male & 3 female) Instrument: Semi-structured interviews with teachers individually. Methodology
Findings : Self management Teachers are given choice of proactively carrying out the learning process, resources are available, approaches suggested. “… (when we want to use EL4T) we take our Mobile phone and our work book. Then we play audio and practice with these.” – Female teacher from Sutrapur “Core trainers and TFs advice us to use the EL4T” - Male teacher from Kishorganj
Findings : Self management (cont.) Flexible Pacing accommodated “I can use the EL4T in my own time. No one gives me pressure to do it. I can carry on in my own pace.” – Male teacher from Nawabganj Teachers require direction, set standards “It would have been better if there were more help from the TFs. We discuss EL4T during the CMs but it is not extensive, more direction would be helpful. In addition, we don’t understand how we are doing. If there were any set standards to compare against, that would be helpful.” – Male teacher Kishoregonj
Teachers have general goals but no specific targets for improvement “I want to be a good language teacher.” - Female teacher from Nawabgonj “ I want to open an English teaching academy” - Male teacher from Kishorganj Collaboration could be better “Sometimes I collaborate with my peers in studying English with help of EL4T. But it’s not regular. It could be helpful if I had someway of working together with other interested teachers from the same cluster apart from the CM.” - Male teacher from Sutrapur Findings : Self Monitoring
Skill development “I started EL4T for learning English more and more because I think it is very helpful to develop myself to speak English easily.” - Male teacher from Kishorganj Easy, effective and helpful “EL4T is easily understandable and it is quite simple to navigate through.” – Female teacher from Sutrapur Earlier, I used very simple English. After using EL4T I think I can communicate with any person in English. I am able to use and understand complex English now.” - Male teacher from Nawabgonj Findings: Motivation
Findings suggest that among the three dimensions of Garrison’s model, EL4T is very much in-par with ‘motivation’. A comparatively weaker link was exhibited for ‘self-management’ and ‘self-monitoring’. Concluding Remarks:
To boost self management - opportunities to make them less dependent on on CTs and TFs could be explored - Innovative use of language learning resources could be encouraged To boost self monitoring - Teachers’ journal could be introduced to help teachers monitor their learning. Concluding remarks (cont.) :
Funded By:Implemented by: Management: Technical Partner: National Partner: