1Welcome TNKids Financials Authorizations TNKids Financial System Correcting Home Approval Period for Payment Computer-Based Training EXIT
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3 CONTENTS Overview TNKids Financials Foster Home Not Approved Message Summary What To Do If Critical Dates In FHACP Are Correct EXIT
4OVERVIEW TNKids Financials is the application used by case managers to authorize private vendor placements and approve invoice payments. In the authorization process, there is a new validation that will be made against Title IV-E approval data in the FHACP (Foster Home Application and Child Placement) application. If an error is encountered, foster home approval data must be altered in the FHACP application by the vendor/provider. Recording Foster Home data in the Foster Home Application and Child Placement application is necessary to meet Federal requirements for Foster Home approval. Only homes that have completed the full home study process, fingerprinting and completion of PATH training are eligible for approval. These dates and the approval date must be present in the FHACP application. Every year subsequent to the initial year, the FHACP user must enter re-evaluation information to include the re-evaluation date in order for the home to remain approved. The TNKids Financials user may try their transaction again after the changes are made in the FHACP application. The changes are not immediately available and it may take as long as overnight before the transaction can be made. If the dates are correct and the authorization cannot be made, a Regional Administrator override may be made in special circumstances for a portion of the authorization period or for the full payment period. Contact your Regional Administrator for further assistance.
5 When creating an authorization, a new warning message will appear if the vendor’s approval dates in the FHACP application do not include all the dates in the requested authorization period. Contact the vendor/provider to have the problem corrected. EXIT TNKids Financials Foster Home Not Approved Message
6 In TNKids Financials, when the “Foster Home Not Approved” message appears when making an authorization, contact the vendor/provider and relay the foster parent name(s), start date, and end date for the attempted authorization so that changes to the FHACP vendor approval dates may be made. Once the changes are made in the FHACP application, TNKids Financials users may try their transaction again. The changes are not immediately available and it may take as long as overnight before the transaction can be made. SUMMARY EXIT
7 WHAT TO DO IF CRITICAL DATES ARE CORRECT EXIT If the vendor informs you that the critical dates in the FHACP application are correct and the authorization cannot be made, the vendor will contact their Regional Administrator for further assistance and possible override.