Ma carte postale
My postcard Objectif: you will create a postcard, picture, address and letter Time line: – Day 1 you write your draft (to be finished as homework) – The next day in class you complete your final copy. I will collect it at the end of class. For grading (35 points)
Picture side Can be hand drawn or bring a picture/pictures Needs to be related to the places/activities mentioned in your letter part.
Letter side On the right side: l’adresse (you can also draw a stamp – un timbre) La famille…/M./Mme/Melle (last name) (the address US style, you can change it)
Letter side – left part all in French The date Greetings: cher/chère/chers/chères (name(s)) Where you are: name and type of place With whom How long you are there: (for=pour) Today’s weather, and temperature Things that you are doing (2) and where. Salut Your name
Grading – la Note Picture: 10 points Address: 5 points Letter: 20 points – All components: 10 points – Accuracy of vocabulary and sentence structure: 10 Extra-credit: using the futur proche for the weather, temperature, and activities with places +5 points