By Percy A. Austin
Agenda I. Introduction II. Problem Statement III. Financial barriers II. Types of Interventions III. Literature Review IV. Methodology V. Discussion VI. Future Suggestions
Introduction C.F.A. and F.P.A. Wealth Accumulation (dependent variable) Retirement (dependent variable) Lottery (independent variable) Lower private saving Longer retirement periods Contribution plans
Introduction cont … Working Definition: Financial Literacy
Problem Statement Question: Have past or current financial literacy initiatives modified individuals’ spending, saving or investing behavior. Lusardi (2004) Gale and Devine (2010) Financial literacy is essential to: making optimal financial, investment, and retirement decisions.
Financial Barriers Income Competing obligations Inexperience Social Security Income, Withdrawals and Payouts Marital Status Asset Allocation Employment-Based Retirement Plan Participation Occupation Psychology and background
Types of Interventions Type I One-on-one counseling, telephone advising and computer or internet learning Type II Seminars or presentations, training workshops or workshop series Type III Web-based programs, interactive CD programs, TV programs and newsletters or papers
Literature Review Lusardi (2004) Gale&Levine
Discussion Question: Why are interventions working? Structure Informed Consumers Question: Why aren’t interventions working? Cultural differences Economic Realities
Discussion cont… Constant theme and relationship throughout studies, financial literacy is: relatively low lack of financial knowledge Economic hardships employer-provided financial education
Future Suggestion(s) Better information on minority participation: Hobson More automatic enrollment: Hewitt. More flexible rules for 401(k) loans: Towers Perrin.
Future Suggestion cont …
References Cognitive Abilities and Household Financial Decision Making by Sumit Agarwal and Bhashkar MazumderJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization Volume 95, November 2013, Pages 159–174: “Discounting financial literacy: Time preferences and participation in financial education programs.” Stephan Meier. Charles D. SprengerJournal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationVolume 95Stephan MeierCharles D. Sprenger National Institute on Retirement Security. Pgs 1-30.”The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is It Worse Than We Think.”Nari Rhee, PhD International Journal Of Consumer Studies: Volume 36, Issue 5 September 2012.Pages 523–530Financial Literacy Education and Behavior Unhinged: Combating Bias and Poor Product Design.”Jason WestVolume 36, Issue 5 Economic Inquiry Volume 50, Issue 4, October 2012, Pages: 851–866,Title: The Role of Financial Literacy in Determining Retirement Plans: Robert Clark, Melinda Sandler Morrill, Steven G. AllenRobert ClarkMelinda Sandler MorrillSteven G. Allen The Economic Journal Volume 122, Issue 560, May 2012, Pages: 449–478, Maarten C.J. van Rooij.Financial Literacy, Retirement Planning and Household Wealth: Annamaria Lusardi and Rob J.M. Alessie Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. (1999)Vol.10 pgs 1-11: “Cash Flow Management: A Framework Of Daily Family Activities”: Glenn Muske and Mary Winter
References cont…