Tribal Veterans Representative Annual Training Timothy L. Spain Director, First Notice of Death Division
Responsibilities Provide burial space for Veterans and eligible family members and maintain national cemeteries as national shrines Administer the Federal grants program for construction of State and Tribal Veterans cemeteries Furnish headstones, markers and medallions for the graves of Veterans around the world Administer the Presidential Memorial Certificate program Administer the First Notice of Death program
Burial Benefits Gravesite Opening and closing of the grave Grave liner Headstone or marker Perpetual care of the gravesite U.S. Flag Presidential Memorial Certificate
Eligibility Criteria Any member of the U.S. Armed Forces who dies on active duty Any Veteran who was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable National Guard members and Reservists with 20 years of qualifying service, who are entitled to retired pay Spouses and minor children Certain eligible parents
NCA National Scheduling Office St. Louis, Missouri The National Cemetery Scheduling Office provides interment scheduling service 7 days a week, from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Central Time. To Schedule an interment: Fax all discharge information to the National Cemetery Scheduling Office at 1-866-900-6417 and follow-up with a phone call to 1-800-535-1117. The process of burial in a national cemetery begins when a Veteran or family members dies, and the next of kin or a funeral director contacts our National Cemetery Scheduling Office. This office is open seven days a week, 362 days a year. The National Scheduling Office supports most VA national cemeteries. The National Scheduling Office frees up staff members at individual cemeteries to work one-on-one with families. It also relieves cemetery directors of the responsibility to consider eligibility and sensitive cases. These determinations, including denial of burials, are now processed by staff at the National Scheduling Office. Effective August 2009, a new process became available for families to appeal denial of burial or requests for headstones and markers.
National Gravesite Locator Webpage at Application can be downloaded for handheld devices. Also available at information kiosks in national cemeteries.
Memorial Programs Service
Memorial Programs Service Headstones and Markers Provided Presidential Memorial Certificates Medallions
Headstones and Markers A copy of the deceased veteran's military discharge document must be provided when requesting a headstone or marker. Application available on line at FAX applications to 1-800-455-7143. MAIL applications to: Memorial Programs Service (41A1) Department of Veterans Affairs 5109 Russell Road Quantico, VA 22134-3903
Veteran Medallion Benefit P.L. 110-157 Became available to the public in June 2010 Branch of Service 3 sizes; 5, 3 and 1.5 inches In lieu of a headstone or marker Death on or after November 1, 1990
Bronze Veteran Medallion Application available on line at
Presidential Memorial Certificate For honorably discharged Veterans Inscribed with the Veteran’s name Bears the President’s signature As I mentioned earlier, families can also receive a Presidential Memorial Certificate. These engraved certificates are inscribed with the Veteran’s name and bear the incumbent President’s signature. This program was begun by President Kennedy and each subsequent president has carried on the tradition. Eligibility for this benefit is slightly different from most of the others we provide, insofar as the Veteran must have been honorably discharged in order for his family to receive the certificate. In most other cases, the threshold is other than dishonorably discharged. And that’s a perfect lead into my next slide, about eligibility.
Presidential Memorial Certificate A copy of the deceased veteran's military discharge document along with a copy of the death certificate must be provided when requesting a PMC. Eligible recipients, or someone acting on their behalf, may request a PMC in person at any VA Regional Office, by U.S. mail or by toll-free fax. Application available on line at FAX applications to 1-800-455-7143. MAIL applications to: Presidential Memorial Certificates (41A1C) National Cemetery Administration 5109 Russell Road Quantico, VA 22134-3903
Communicating With MPS Applicant Assistance Unit Toll-Free Telephone Number 1-800-697-6947 IRIS VA’s Internal Email Routing System that allows NCA/MPS to respond to questions routed from the VA website MPS Email MPS’ email address to respond to inquiries from the public @ NCA Website Latest application forms Latest Legislative news Latest instructions
Veterans Cemetery Grants Program
Veterans Cemetery Grant Service (VCGS) Established in 1978 to complement VA’s NCA VA seeks to provide Veterans cemetery within 75 miles of 90 % of the country’s Veterans. Program helped establish, expand, or improve 86 Veterans cemeteries in 41 states and territories. Provided more than 29,000 burials in 2011. VA has awarded grants totaling more than $438 million.
Tribal Government Grants Final Rule Public Law 109-461 Sec. 403. Eligibility of Indian tribal organizations for grants for the establishment of veterans cemeteries on trust lands.
Grant Requirements Granted only to states, federally recognized tribal government, or U.S. territories. 100% of the development cost for an approved project. VA can provide for operating equipment for new cemeteries. VA does not provide for acquisition of land. Tribal governments cemeteries must be on tribal trust land Must conform to NCA standards and guidelines for site selection, planning and construction.
Grant Requirements Cemetery must conform to NCA standards and guidelines for site selection, planning and construction. The land can only be used for cemetery purposes. The cemetery should consider a 50 year life span at minimum Develops in 10 year increments VA can provide for operating equipment for new cemeteries.
Operations and Maintenance Cemeteries must be operated solely for the burial of service members who die on active duty, veterans, and their eligible spouses and dependent children Maintained and operated according to the operational standards and measures of NCA Administration, operation, and maintenance is solely the responsibility of the state, territory or tribal government. Plot or interment allowance $700 administered by the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)
Grants Process Submit pre-application through by July 1st . Upon receipt VCGS will issue a viability letter to the applicant explaining next steps. Grant Opportunity can be searched using (CFDA) Number 64.203, To receive the highest consideration the pre-application must include Certification of State or Tribal Matching Funds and State or Tribal Legislation supporting the project.
Matching Funds and Legislation 10% of the estimated grant amount. Used to develop plans, drawings, and specifications. Reimbursable at the time of grant award. VA Form 40-0895-6 located on internet Legislation Commitment to own, operate and maintain a Veterans Cemetery in accordance with NCA Guidelines.
Project Priority Groups Priority 1 - Projects for gravesite expansion or improvements that are needed to continue service at an existing veterans cemetery. Priority 2 - Projects for the establishment of new cemeteries. Priority 3 - Planned phased gravesite developments prior to need. Priority 4 - Other improvements to cemetery that are not directly related to the development of new gravesites including O&M projects.
Selection Final Application and Award Funding based on ranking and budget. Opportunity letters sent to highest ranking projects first week of October. Construction documents May 15 Final application package July 15 Funds obligated by September 30
VCGS Contact list Joshua de Leon, Director (202) 632-7369 Howard Orr, Project Manager (202) 632-7203 Tom Paquelet, Project Manager (202) 632-7202 LaQuisha Barnes, Program Specialist (202) 632-7201
…“to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan”…
Please keep in touch! To stay current with NCA: Visit our Website Follow us on Twitter @VANatCemeteries Become a fan on Facebook Ladies and Gentlemen, that concludes my presentation. We hope you will keep in touch with NCA throughout the year, by visiting our Webpage and signing up to follow us on Twitter and Facebook. I appreciate being part of your agenda today.