2 Contents 1.Introduction Background Objectives 2.Methods Site Instruments Calibration QA/QC 3.Results 4.Conclusions
3 Introduction Background Several intercomparisons of screens and hygrometers, all in temperate conditions None in hot or cold desert conditions Importance for climatology Objectives Performance of screens/shields for high radiations Performance of hygrometers in high temperatures and very low humidity conditions Evaluate the impact of ancillary factors on the sensors Draft recommandations to CIMO
4 Methods - 1 Site Ghardaïa, in central Algeria Instruments 29 screens/shields oartificially-ventilated: 7 different models onaturally-ventilated: 9 different models 17 humidity sensors (8 different models) 2 extra Thies ultrasonic wind sensors Most of sensors were installed in pairs. Intercomparison period From the 1 st of Nov., 2008 to the 1 st of Nov., 2009
5 Methods - 2 Calibration Temperature measurements: calibrated Pt100 Before the intercomparion, in the RIC of Trappes On-site calibration No calibration after the intercomparison for the moment QA/QC Daily check by local staff Pictures taken once per month Specific software to flag data according CBS recommendations
6 Results One full year of measurements A large dataset although some gaps in the data More than minutes available for most of sensors oMore than 95% available valid data The analysis was made jointly by : oMétéo-France : Muriel Lacombe and Michel Leroy oONM: Djazia Bousri and Mohamed Mezred Final report : published soon A dedicated study for each model of instrument is available
7 Temperature during the intercomparison period
8 Relative humidity during the intercomparison period
9 Choice of the references Screens Artificially-ventilated screen The coldest during daytime Choice: Eigenbrodt screen Hygrometers Thygan as first reference Communication problems with Thygan, during the last 6 monthes Another reference, the closest to Thygan Choices: Thygan and Vaisala HMP45D
10 Results for screens - 1 General results Nearly all small naturally-ventilated screens are warmer Artificially-ventilated screens are not significantly colder Large Stevenson screens are very close to the reference
11 Results for screens - 2 During clear days and low wind speeds Some small naturally-ventilated screens are colder Artificially-ventilated screens are generally warmer Large Stevenson screens are very close to the reference
12 Results for screens - 3 Combined effect of wind and radiation
13 Results for hygrometers - 1 General results 5 models gave very good results: 98% differences are within 3% 2 models stayed within 4% of the reference 1 model showed larger deviations
14 Results for hygrometers – 2 Periods with relative humidity lower than 20%
15 Conclusions – What is next? Final report : published soon It is the first WMO intercomparison of screens/shields and hygrometers in hot desert conditions Despite some gaps, a large dataset was collected during this intercomparison A deep analysis was conducted: oTo select references oTo study each sensor’s behaviour Experience and specific tools were developped oDatabase systems, QC softwares, macros/codes for plots… A similar comparison is planned in Canada ofor cold desert conditions
Thank you !