THE 1 ST COMMANDMENT: TRUST GOD ABOVE ALL THINGS Faith Foundations Course One Lesson 5
TRUST GOD ABOVE ALL THINGS What does it mean to TRUST God above all things?
TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD 1.Recall the story of God’s command to Noah to build an ark (Genesis 6). Evaluate this statement: God was going to destroy the world because the people were sinners. Yes and no. The people in Noah’s day were very wicked, but we’re sinners too.
TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD 2.God commanded Noah to prepare for a flood. God’s command must have seemed foolish. Why? Noah had to build a big ark out in the open for all to see. He also probably didn’t understand how all the animals would get there, nor the idea of a worldwide flood.
TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD 3.Apply Proverbs 3:5 to what Noah did. Noah trusted in God rather than his own understanding.
TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD 4.Some religious teachers actually teach this: “What you believe doesn’t matter as long as you really, truly believe—as long as your faith is sincere.” Why is this statement wrong? It gives the impression that the sincerity of our faith is more important than what we believe.
TAKING GOD AT HIS WORD 5.When a tragic hurricane struck the coast of Florida, George said, “I don’t understand how God could allow such a tragedy to kill all those people. I just don’t feel that I can trust him anymore.” What would you say to George? There are many things about God we don’t understand. But God does promise that everything will work out for our good—and we will hold him to his word.
KEY POINT #1 To trust God means to believe what he says completely.
GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN 6.Recall the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17). What do you think Goliath trust in for victory? Goliath trusted in his size and strength, battle experience, armor and weapons.
GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN 7.David was young and untrained as a soldier, and he carried only a sling for a weapon. But he was not afraid. What did David say to Goliath to show where he had placed his trust? (verse 45) David said, “I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty.”
GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN 8.Apply the words of Psalm 118:8 to David and Goliath as they got ready to fight. Goliath trusted in himself, but David trusted in God. God protected David and gave him the victory.
GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN 9.Read Psalm 50:5, then support this statement: Reading the Bible helps me trust that I can call on God in every trouble. As we read the Bible, we see the evidence of the wisdom, love, and power of God. God promises to help his people in every trouble—and God always keeps his promises!
GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN 10. Psalm 37:5 tells us to commit our way to the Lord. What does that mean? It means to put every step of our lives into God’s hands, trusting that he will take care of us and accomplish what he knows is best.
GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN 11.Evaluate this statement: a. I’m not going to the doctor. I only trust God for my health. God helps us through other people, like doctors.
GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN 11.Evaluate this statement: b. I’m not going to save money for college. I trust God to provide for me. God helps us by providing banks and the means to open bank accounts and by giving us the ability to save.
GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN 12.How does trust God above all things show itself in our prayer life? When we trust in God above all things, we pray to him regularly, frequently & confidently.
KEY POINT #2 To trust God means to depend on him above all things.
What does it mean to TRUST God above all things? 1.To trust God means to believe what he says completely. 2.To trust God means to depend on him above all things. SUMMARY To trust God above all things means to believe what he says and to depend on him above all things.
THE FIRST COMMANDMENT You shall have no other gods. What does this mean? We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.
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