Our properties make us what we are Some of Malfoy’s properties include Ice Blue Eyes Short, White-Blonde Hair Sneering Smile Desire for power Famiy riches Dislike of Muggles
A. Things that can be measured with the metric system length weight or mass density boiling point freezing point
Mercury (a liquid) is more dense than lead. May be we should say “Get the MERCURY out”, not “Get the lead out.” Solid water is less dense than liquid water. That’s why ice cubes float in water. Weight is actually measured in Newtons, not grams.
B. Inertia – matter at rest will stay at rest matter in motion will stay in motion
C. Things that can be determined with the senses Color Texture Hardness Luster (shiny-ness) Taste Shape Odor
Sulfur can be identified by its “rotten egg” smell. Diamond is the hardest mineral we know of. Halite tastes like salt.
D. Describe the phase of matter of the substance solid semi-solid (amorphous) liquid gas plasma
A. Describe the way matter interacts These interactions are sometimes called chemical reactions
In actual chemistry classes, you’ll learn how the electrons of individual atoms of matter combine or transfer to make new compounds. (aren’t you glad we don’t have to learn that yet?)
B. Oxidation Reactions Oxygen and iron react to form iron oxide (rust) Oxygen and hydrogen react to form water Oxygen and copper react to form copper oxide
C. Acid-Base Reactions Zinc fizzes in hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid bubbles and fumes on limestone Vinegar bubbles and foams when in contact with baking soda
D. Electrical Reactions When electricity is passed through water and acid, hydrogen and oxygen gasses are released When electricity is passed though an acid solution with a metal object inside, and a copper diode, the metal becomes “plated” with copper
Sodium + chlorine = salt Silver + sulfur = silver sulfide (tarnish)
1- A ___________ property describes the way substances interact with each other. 2- A _____________ property can be described using metric measurements.
3- Which of these is a chemical property of copper? a. Copper has a metallic luster. b. Copper is a brownish-orange color. c. Copper oxidizes in air. d. Copper has a density of 7.1 g/ml 4- The fact the mercury is more dense than lead is a ____________ property of mercury.
5- Which of these is a physical property of hydrochloric acid? a. Hydrochloric acid dissolves food in the human stomach. b. When hydrochloric acid touches zinc, it bubbles and fumes. c. When hydrochloric acid is mixed with ammonia, it produces a poisonous gas. d. Hydrochloric acid smells like a swimming pool.
6- If heat energy is added to solid aluminum, what happens to the movement and spacing of the particles of aluminum? a. The particles move apart and slow down. b. The particles move apart and speed up. c. The particles move closer together and slow down. d. The particles move closer together and speed up.
7- Which of these phases of matter have molecular motion? a. solid b. liquid c. gas d. all matter is in motion Name two physical properties of a cell phone
10-Cooking food is a chemical change. Name a holiday cooking tradition that your family has completed for more than two years.