NOAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program NOAA Technology Summit November 3, 2010 Kelly Wright SBIR Program Manager
SBIR Program Mission ___________________________ Supporting scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds in critical American priorities to build a strong national economy… One small business at a time.
Program Description and Goals ____________________________ Stimulate technological innovation Use small businesses to meet federal R&D needs Foster and encourage participation by minorities and disadvantaged persons in technological innovation Increase private-sector commercialization of innovations derived from Federal R&D 2.5%
SBIR: 3-Phase Program _________________________ Phase I Feasibility Study $95K and 6-month effort Phase II Full Research / R&D $400K and 2-year effort Phase III Commercialization Stage Non-SBIR funds
Qualifications for Participation __________________________ For profit U.S. owned 500 or fewer employees P.I. at least ½ time
__________________________ Standard Phase I Process __________________________ Describe R&D topics in solicitation. Evaluation Ph I award Solicitation Topics Proposal Submission Small Business Concerns prepare short (usually 25-page)proposals. Unsolicited proposals not accepted. Evaluate based on technical merit, firm’s qualifications, and commercial potential / societal benefit. NOAA selects Phase I awards. About 6-9 months
NOAA Technical Topics _________________________________ Ecosystems Climate Weather and Water Commerce and Transportation
FY 2011 Program (Estimates) _________________________________ $5 Million 19 Phase I Awards 9 Phase II Awards (from FY 2010 Phase I awards)
Dates to Remember ______________________________ FY 2011 Program –FY 2011 Solicitation releaseOctober 13, 2010 –Proposals dueJanuary 12, 2011 –Phase I contracts awardedJuly 15, 2011 FY 2012 Solicitation Development –Call for subtopicsMarch 1, 2011 –Subtopics due to SBIR OfficeJune 1, 2011
Contact Information _____________________________ Kelly Wright, NOAA SBIR Program Phone: x292 Diane Rinaldo, NOAA Technology Transfer Program Phone: x195 Web Page: