Ironi Hey is a six year academic stream. The school contains about 1550 students, in 47 classes. The students in Irony Hey come from all layers of society. For this reason, the schools emphasizes equal opportunities for all students; personal tutoring and lunch for the weaker student and promoting excellence in advanced classes and special study groups for outstanding students.
* Ironi Hey`s high school consists of approximately 650 students, divided in to 19 classes and is well known for its outstanding achievements. * Each year, about 95% of the school's graduates are entitled for a diploma. * Most of the junior high school's graduates (about 90%) move on to the high school. * The number of students who graduate with a high academic units is great, which enables our students to be accepted into the finest academic institutes.
Ironi Hey encourages its students to be involved in the community through special projects, this basing on the believe that by helping the community, the students will not only be involved and helpful, but also grow a strong, long lasting connection with their community. The school also cultivates international relationship with the New Jewish high school in Boston, U.S.A.
Ironi Hey high school continues to renew itself and encourage educational, social and academic initiatives. The school sets its standards with great emphasis on the school- community correlation, while maintaining an academic and humanitarian excellence.