ATP Winter 2008 Workshop Jim Valkenburg Delta College
Agenda Background A comment about the on-line environment The ATP Code of Ethics Initial dialog on applications of the Ethics Code to the On- line Environment
Individuals within a profession share: A common body of knowledge and skills Professional Associations A set of ethical guidelines Standards for practice Common goals for consumers of services Darlene Buck
ATP The Association for the Tutoring Profession Code of Ethics was written after reviewing the ethical standards of several professional organizations. Darlene Buck was the Chair of the committee that compiled the ATP Tutor Code of Ethics. [Please note that comments within the brackets on each slide represent commentary by Darlene Buck in her on-line presentation in workshop 9.]
The On-line Environment Access Convenience
The ATP Code of Tutor Ethics 1) Best Interest Tutors will be committed to acting in the best interest of tutees. [Tutors must put the best interests of tutees above personal gain. Tutors will identify and avoid personal conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof in their transactions with tutees.]
2) Responsibility Tutors will take responsibility for their own behavior and work to resolve conflicts that may arise between themselves and a client. [If a resolution cannot be resolved between a tutor and tutee, the tutor’s supervisor will intervene and resolve the situation. If necessary, the tutee will be assigned to another tutor. Tutors in private practice are advised to develop a contract that outlines steps to resolve conflicts.]
3) Integrity Tutors will practice and promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness. [Tutors do not have all the answers but are aware of resources to obtain accurate information, in some cases, consulting with those who are knowledgeable is advised. Tutors will perform their duties within the limits of their training, expertise and competence and refer individuals in need of advanced levels of assistance to professionals who possess appropriate qualifications.]
4) Fairness Tutors will exercise reasonable judgment and take precautions to ensure that their potential biases, the boundaries of their competence, or the limitations of their expertise do not lead to or condone unjust practices. [Tutors will recognize that biases are learned attitudes and can lead to treating others unfairly. Tutors will be cognizant of this and treat all tutees with respect and sensitivity.]
5) Commitment Tutors will fulfill commitments made to learners. [Tutors will be on time for appointments. If delayed by unforeseen circumstances, every attempt will be made to contact the student being tutored of the situation.]
6) Rights and Dignity of Others Tutors will respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality and self- determination. [Professional interactions with tutees will be free from harassment.]
7) Excellence Tutors will strive to maintain excellence by continuing to improve their tutoring skills and engage in applicable professional development activities. [Tutors will continue to participate in professional development through continued education (continuing education units), college courses or workshops, or by attending professional conferences.]
8) Respect for Individual Differences Tutors will respect cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status. [Tutors are encouraged to become knowledgeable of federal and state laws pertaining to discrimination and what constitutes an act of discrimination.]
9) Professionalism Tutors will not engage in inappropriate relations or behaviors with tutees. [Do not use your position of power to exploit tutees. A good rule of thumb is to exercise caution when relating to tutees and do not encourage social interaction or friendships while you are an individual’s tutor.]
10) Confidentiality Tutors will maintain the highest privacy standards in terms of protecting personal information relative to those whom they tutor. [Information obtained for the purpose of applied tutoring from licensed professionals, such as psychological evaluations and recommendations, psycho-educational assessments and medical information will not be copied, shared with, or forwarded to others without the expressed written consent of the individual. Disclosure of information judged to be of an emergency nature may be released to appropriate authorities when the safety of the individual or others is involved. Information contained in tutee’s educational records will be protected from disclosure without appropriate consent, unless the information is lawfully subpoenaed.]
Final Notes Since tutoring often takes place between two individuals, it may be difficult to obtain feedback on tutoring performance. It is recommended that a supervisor or mentor observe and provide feedback to tutors. This helps tutors to receive insights from others.
Discussion Board Please go to the Discussion Board and respond to the prompt for this module. The notes on this power point presentation serve to set a stage for continued discussion regarding the ATP Code of Ethics for On-line tutors. If you wish to comment or make suggestions about the on-line code of ethics please contact Jim Valkenburg at or Kathe Karns at