Jessica Dang Molly Nannen Derek Ruffner
Mental Discrimination in the 1930s Individuals with mental illnesses underwent great suffering at the hands of American society View as demon-possessed or characterized as senseless animals Physical restraints Deprived patients of freedom
Clifford Beers Hospitalized in a private connecticut mental institution Spent a few years in various institution 1908 Changed mental health care forever “A Mind that Found Itself” an autobiography Had an immediate impact
Founded the connecticut society for Mental Hygiene. Set forth goals To improve attitudes towards mental ill To improve services for the mentally ill To work for the pervention of mental illness and promote mental health
Discrimination Against Physically Handicapped Many states discriminated against people with physical disabilities Were denied the right to live in communities, the right to vote and the right to receive an education.
Denied Living Rights Reports have been discovered that are extremely prejudice against people with disabilities Every state in the country passed laws that singled out people with physical disabilities for institutionalization
Denied Living Rights cont. Many state governments even required their citizenry to assist them in locating and segregating these citizens Some statutes authorized for children with disabilities to be taken from their homes.
Denied Voting Rights Many polling places were found physically inaccessible for the handicapped People with disabilities have been turned away from the polling places for not looking competent
Denied Equal Education Physically handicapped people were denied education due to their physical condition Some considered too crippled by school boards to learn Others are placed in segregated classes and never learn to write or read
The first International Congress for Mental Hygiene in the ,042 officially registered participants from 41 countries 5 years of participation on congress joint commission on mental illness and mental health Improving government mental health service
Gender discrimination in the 1930’s A 1930 census found that 24.3% of women were employed Most jobs offered to women at that time were domestic or personal service but some became professionals, often a nurse of schoolteacher
Some Famous women of the 1930’s 1932 Amelia Earhart’s and her solo Atlantic flight 1933 Secertary of labor, Frances Perkins became the 1 st female cabinet member 1933 Nellie Tayloe Ross becomes the 1 st woman to head the U.S. mint 1935 Eleanor Roosevelt begins writing “My Day 1937 Zora Neale Hurston published Eyes Were Watching God
Class Discrimination The class system in the 1930’s was very much the same as today. Everyone’s pocketbook was hurt by the depression With less people that could pay taxes the wealthy were taxed much heavier Wealthy were angry with FDR helping the poor and ignoring needs of them Often angry wealthy people would flaunt their wealth in front of the poor and showed off more than before