Implementation of STCW Regulations STCW – Final Rule Engineering Officers Implementation of STCW Regulations
NATIONAL ENGINEER OFFICERS STCW ENGINEER OFFICERS References NATIONAL ENGINEER OFFICERS 46 CFR 11.510 - Chief Engineer 46 CFR 11.512 - 1st A/E 46 CFR 11.514 - 2ND A/E 46 CFR 11.516 - 3RD A/E STCW ENGINEER OFFICERS 46 CFR 11.325 - Chief Engineer (Management) 3,000kW/4,000HP or more 46 CFR 11.331 - Chief Engineer (Management) 750kW/1,000HP or more and less than 3,000kW/4,000HP or more 46 CFR 11.327 – Second Engineer Officer (Management) 3,000kW/4,000HP or more (National 1st A/E) 46 CFR 11.333 – Second Engineer Officer (Management) 750kW/1,000HP or more and less than 3,000kW/4,000HP or more (1st A/E) 46 CFR 11.329 – OICEW (Operational) 750kW/1,000HP or more 2
NATIONAL SEA SERVICE TITLE:G 46 CFR 11.510 - Chief Engineer No Evaluation Changes 46 CFR 11.512 - 1st A/E No Evaluation Changes 46 CFR 11.514 - 2ND A/E No Evaluation Change for applicants until March 24, 2019 46 CFR 11.516 - 3RD A/E No Evaluation Changes EXCEPT………………. Gas Turbine has been added as a official propulsion in the regulations for all engineers TITLE:G 3
4. For mariners who began service or training AFTER March 24, 2014 – NATIONAL SEA SERVICE GAS TURBINE 1. Mariners who BEGAN service or training BEFORE March 24, 2014, may qualify for an engineer officer endorsement valid for gas turbine propulsion based on the previous method of service or training until March 24, 2019. 2. Mariners who BEGAN service or training BEFORE March 24, 2014, may also elect to qualify under the new regulations requiring an examination and service on gas turbine vessels. 3. After March 24, 2019, all mariners must qualify under the new regulations. 4. For mariners who began service or training AFTER March 24, 2014 – 4
2nd A/E and 3rd A/E Sea Service TITLE: This applies to all who hold Chief Engineer Limited (Oceans or Near Coastal) regardless of when sea service began. 3rd A/E NMC has accepted “or equivalent” for the last few years, it is now in the regulations. 5
STCW – Engineer Officers The transitional and grandfathering provisions for STCW endorsements apply to the following two categories of mariners: Mariners who apply for an endorsement based on service or training that was started before March 24, 2014. A mariner will be considered to have started service on the first day of their service that meets the requirements for the endorsement they have applied for. Training is considered to have started on the first day of a period of training used to qualify for an endorsement; and Mariners who apply for an endorsement based on service or training that was started on or after March 24, 2014. 6
STCW – Engineer Officers In those cases where assessments were required under previous regulations, but the Coast Guard had not published assessment policy or guidance for a particular endorsement, the Coast Guard will not be requiring mariners to submit assessments to qualify for the endorsement. What does this mean to a evaluator? If the service or training started before March 24, 2014 - No changes to obtain STCW 7
STCW – Engineer Officers OICEW MMS TITLE: 8
STCW – Engineer Officers TITLE: 9
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