All of the following information can be found in your SENIOR HANDBOOK!! You can go to the school website to obtain a copy of the handbook if you need another one. Go to the Counselor section, then “Grade Level Handbooks” and you can print any pages that you need!!
There are 29 local scholarships available. There is over $12,000 waiting to be given away!! You may apply for as many local scholarships for which you are eligible. The deadline to apply for scholarships is DEC 10, 2014!! IF YOU DO NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS, DO NOT APPLY!!!!!
Step 1: Complete the ERHS Scholarship Application in the handbook; a PDF format copy is available on the ERHS website. Step 2: Make 10 copies of the completed application Step 3: Write your Personal Essay with your name at the top of the page. (examples of personal essay on page 13) Step 4: Make 10 copies of your Personal Essay Step 5: Complete 10 copies of the Scholarship Checklist
Step 6: Submit 10 copies of each letter of recommendation (you keep original copies) Step 7: Hole punch all papers on the left side Step 8: Assemble and paper clip (please do not staple) the copies in this order (top to bottom): A. Scholarship Checklist B. Application C. Personal Essay D. Letters of Recommendation Step 9: Scholarship application packets and the list of scholarships for which you are applying are due in the Career Center by 3:00pm on Dec. 10, No exceptions will be made.
Tips for Personal Essay Introduce yourself by using some of the following points: 1. Academic accomplishments - include type of program (college prep or vocational). 2. Civic or on-campus extra-curricular activities, jobs, or volunteer work. This is not the time to be modest! 3. Leadership activities and/or ability
Tips for Personal Essay Educational and career plans: 1. Where do you plan to go to college and what led you to make this choice? 2. What is your intended major and why?
Tips for Personal Essay Financial need: 1. How will this scholarship assist you in completing your plans? 2. How will you use the money so that the sponsoring agency will feel it is money being well spent?
Tips for Personal Essay Express appreciation to the sponsoring agency for offering money to a deserving student.
Local Scholarships The following slides contain just some of the local scholarships that are available and their requirements. You need to read the eligibility requirements and make sure that you qualify for the scholarship before applying!!!
California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA) Eligibility Requirements · Senior student planning to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Education · A graduate of a high school in Corona/Norco · Minimum GPA of 3.0 · Must demonstrate financial need Criteria for Selection · Standard application · Personal Essay · Transcript · Two (2) letters of recommendation Award · $500 (1)
California School Employees’ Association Scholarship (CSEA) Eligibility Requirements · GPA of 2.0 or better · Good citizenship and character · Must be a member or the child, grandchild, brother, or sister of a member of CSEA Ch. 369 Criteria for Selection · Standard application · Personal Essay · Two (2) letters of recommendation - one from employer or member of community or church; the second from a school district official or teacher · Transcript Award · Varies
Catholic Daughters of America Scholarship Eligibility Requirements · Senior must be a Catholic high school senior registered in a parish in the Corona-Norco area · GPA of 2.5 or above · Student must intend to enroll in an accredited 2 or 4-year college, trade school, or university Criteria for Selection · Standard application · Personal Essay · Two (2) letters of recommendation (teacher, priest, employer, etc.) · Transcript Award · Varies
Corona-Norco Teachers Association Scholarship (CNTA) Eligibility Requirements · Must have declared an intention to graduate from college with a Bachelor’s Degree · Must have followed college preparatory course work in high school · 2.0 GPA or above · Demonstrates a financial need Criteria for Selection · Standard Application · Personal Essay · Transcript · Two (2) letters of recommendation · Interview Award · Varies
Parent Teacher Student Association Scholarship (PTSA) Eligibility Requirements · 2.5 GPA or above · Applicant must be a member of PTSA at time of application · Student must be planning to attend an institution of higher education (See your homeroom teacher for membership form!!) Criteria for Selection · Standard Application · Personal Essay · Transcript · Selection by committee from Association Award · $500