Decimal Place Value Whole numbers show whole amounts. The decimal point in a whole number always goes just to the right of the ones place. But, with whole numbers we don’t usually show the decimal point. It is implied. Example 123,456,789,321 Ones Place Decimal Point
How do we use numbers to show parts of a whole? Example one whole Decimal Point One whole dollar and twenty-five parts of a whole dollar: 1 25 twenty-five parts of one whole
The decimal point separates the whole amounts from the parts of a whole. The place value names on the right side of the decimal point are: tenths It takes ten to make a whole. Think dimes. hundredths It takes one hundred to make a whole. Think pennies. thousandths It takes one thousand to make a whole
When you read a decimal number say “and” at the decimal point. 900,012.5 “ nine hundred thousand, twelve and five tenths” 900, “ nine hundred thousand, twelve and fifty-five hundredths” 900, “ nine hundred thousand, twelve and five hundred fifty-five thousandths”