Educational Technology Ferdinand B. Pitagan, PhD
What will you do? EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Situation: A remote village in Banawe Fifty 2nd graders – never been to other villages You want to teach them concepts of 4 seasons You are a teacher in the digital world. Question: How are you going to teach the class? Why?
Education EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Roles of Teachers Roles of Students Roles of Institutions Teaching and Learning Through Technology
Technology EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Information and Communication Computers Online/web-based Mobile/wireless Assistive Technology Others
What is Educational Technology? Study and Ethical Practice Learning and Performance Creation, Utilization and Management Technological Processes And Resources Instructional Theory Learning Technology Richey, R.C. (2008). Reflections on the 2008 AECT Definitions of the Field. TechTrends. 52(1) 24-25
EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Definition: Educational Technology EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Educational Technology is synonymous with Instructional Technology defined as the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, AECT’s 1994 Definition
theory and practice EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Theory Practice concepts, constructs, principles, propositions (Models) Knowledge application to solve problems experiences Knowledge Body
EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation (Domains) Development Design Theory Practice Evaluation Utilization Management - not linear - complementary
of processes and resources EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY of processes and resources A process … a series of activities directed towards a particular result... Resources (products) … sources of support for learning … delivery process, instructional design process ** Study of instructional strategies/teaching methods devices, teaching materials, people, budget, facilities ** Educational TV Production** Website Development
for learning EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY The relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge, attitude or skills due to experience
Brief History of EdTech EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Brief History of EdTech 1960s Audio-visual education Psychologists, Educators, Technologists 1980s Personal computers 1990s Internet Present multi-media contents multi-platform
Brief History of EdTech EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Brief History of EdTech USA 1) Division of AV Instruction (DAVI) 1923 (Teaching with Audio-Visual Aids) 2) Changed name to Association for Educational Communications and Technology in 1970 (Psychology, Media in Education, Systems Approach) Japan 1) Film Education Research Society 1928 2) Japan AV Education Association -- became independent in 1946 3) Japan Society for Educational Technology 1984
Class Activity EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY What do you think is the future of educational technology in the Philippines? Write you reflection essay and submit it to UVLe.
Goodday and GODbless!!! EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Next Meeting: Influence of media technology in curriculum and instruction