Viet Nam experience on existence of strategic thinking for statistical development under National Statistics Development Strategy Viet Nam experience on existence of strategic thinking for statistical development under National Statistics Development Strategy Prepared by: Le Trung Hieu (GSO) Le Thu Hien (MARD)
PRESENTATION CONTENT Status and period of NSDS Whether agricultural is covered How does it address the issue of integration of Agricultural statistics in the Mainstream statistics What process was followed to prepare it
1. Status and period of NSDS To develop and improve the statistical indicator system for ministries and sectors in line with the National Statistical Indicator System and the local statistical indicator system To create a centralized, synchronous and unified national statistical system with regular and close cooperation, exchange, sharing and connection of information between domestic statistical agencies To improve the General Index of Statistical Capacity by the World Bank’s standards from 61 (out of 100) in 2010 to 70 by 2015; 80 by 2020 and 95 by 2030, of which the statistical methodology indicator to improve from 30 to 55, 75 and 90 respectively * To implement the specific objectives of the strategy having 9 action programs as follows: 1) Improve institutional and legal framework and coordination mechanisms for statistical activities 2) Promote research and application of advanced statistical methodology and construction and standardization of statistical procedures in line with international standards 3) Renew, improve and enhance the quality of collecting statistical information 4) Renew and improve the quality of processing, aggregating and disseminating statistical information 5) Promote statistical analysis and forecasting 6) Apply and develop information and communication technology in statistical work 7) Develop human resources in statistical profession 8) Expand and improve international cooperation in the field of statistics
2. Whether agriculture is covered For the particular field of statistics of agriculture, forestry and fisheries have not been detailed action plan. In time to come will have projects of ADB and FAO will support the five countries (pilot countries) make this problem are: Thailand, Laos, Maldives, Bhutan and Vietnam
3. How does it address the issue of integration of Agriculture Statistics in the Mainstream Statistics In agriculture, forestry and fishery field, there are 26 indicators. The responsibilities for collecting, processing and disseminating these indicators are specified clearly. GSO with Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Statistics Department as a focal point is in charge of collecting, tabulating 14 indicators, MARD is responsible for 12 indicators. Perform surveys in the field of agriculture, forestry and aquatic products in the category of the national census and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: 01 and 14 census survey Research to improve the survey plan in the field of statistics of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Improve statistical reporting periodically Statistical Reporting State enterprises, enterprises with foreign capital investment * Research and application of global strategy for agricultural statistics of the United Nations * Research methodology applied in the program agricultural census of FAO * To establish the balance of food, food To compile handbook of statistics of agriculture, forestry, fisheries new Perform other contents in the strategy implementation task
4. What process was followed to prepare it Set up a direct implementation of the strategy and central levels of the provincial, city * To improve, amend and supplement legal documents amend and supplement the Statistical Law and other legal documents related formulate policies on dissemination of statistical information Promoting research and application of statistical methodology advanced To renew, improve and improve the quality of statistical information Applicationof information technology Development of human resources....