G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems G. Hendeby, LiU, Sweden R. Karlsson, LiU, Sweden F. Gustafsson, LiU, Sweden N. Gordon, DSTO, Australia
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Motivating Problem – Example I Linear system: non-Gaussian process noise Gaussian measurement noise Posterior distribution: distinctly non-Gaussian
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Motivating Problem – Example II Estimate target position based on two range measurements Nonlinear measurements but Gaussian noise Posterior distribution: bimodal
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Filters The following filters have been evaluated and compared Local approximation: Extended Kalman Filter ( EKF ) Multiple Model Filter ( MMF ) Global approximation: Particle Filter ( PF ) Point Mass Filter ( PMF, representing truth)
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Filters: EKF EKF: Linearize the model around the best estimate and apply the Kalman filter ( KF ) to the resulting system.
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Filters: MMF Run several EKF in parallel, and combine the results based on measurements and switching probabilities Filter 1 Filter 2 Filter M Filter 1 Filter 2 Filter M Mix
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Filters: PF Simulate several possible states and compare to the measurements obtained.
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Filters: PMF Grid the state space and propagate the probabilities according to the Bayesian relations
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Filter Evaluation (1/2) Mean square error ( MSE ) Standard performance measure Approximates the estimate covariance Bounded by the Cramér-Rao Lower Bound ( CRLB ) Ignores higher-order moments!
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Filter Evaluation (2/2) Kullback divergence Compares the distance between two distributions Captures all moments of the distributions
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Filter Evaluation (2/2) Kullback divergence – Gaussian example Let The result depends on the normalized difference in mean and the relative difference in variance
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Example I Linear system: non-Gaussian process noise Gaussian measurement noise Posterior distribution: distinctly non-Gaussian
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Simulation results – Example I MSE similar for both KF and PF! KL is better for PF, which is accounted for by multimodal target distribution which is closer to the truth
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Example II Estimate target position based on two range measurements Nonlinear measurements but Gaussian noise Posterior distribution: bimodal
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Simulation results – Example II (1/2) MSE differs only slightly for EKF and PF KD differs more, again since PF handles the non-Gaussian posterior distribution better
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Simulation results – Example II (2/2) Using the estimated position to determine the likelihood to be in the indicated region The EKF based estimate differs substantially from the truth
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Conclusions MSE and Kullback divergence evaluated as performance measures Important information is missed by the MSE, as shown in two examples The Kullback divergence can be used as a complement to traditional MSE evaluation
G. Hendeby Performance Issues in Non-Gaussian Filtering Problems NSSPW ‘06 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Thanks for listening Questions?