When a person killed a king in Europe, the empire blamed it on Syria. That’s when war broke out. The main 3 axis powers were Japan, Germany, and Italy. The allies were Britain, Russia, America, France, Canada, and Ukraine.
First, instead of fighting, the Germens decided to invade more countries in Europe. Then, in 1941, Germany invaded France. That was a big victory for the Germens. Germany used France as a stronghold for the rest of the war. Then, in 1942, the Germens tried to invade Great Britain. But luckily, the R.A.F,Britain’s[Royal Air Force] defended Great Britain. Europe
Japan & U.S.A
Soon, the Alais started winning. The British launched huge bombing raids on France and Germany. The American advanced their forces and started a island hoping campaign. Then the eastern alias and the western alias meet together in Berlin, Germany, and stopped the war in Europe. But there was still the Pacific theater. The Japanese launched a whole new treat Kamakazis,[Ka-ma- ka –zs][ basically a suicide plane]. They launched a bunch of Kamikazes, so they didn’t give up. The Ending
So, the Americans unleashed a whole new weapon,: atom bombs! They were safely tested in the U.S, and this new bomb would blow the smithereens out of the Japanese. So, a plane was sent to deliver the payload to the Japanese. They dropped it on the city Hiroshima and you wouldn’t believe what happened. They dropped it on the middle of town and a mushroom cloud appeared. Then a air blast tore apart buildings and shelters. In all, their was a destroyed city in minutes. Then the same was done for Nagasaki. Then, Japan surrendered. The war was over. Hiroshima and Nadasaki