AMS Weather & Climate Enterprise Summer Meeting Theme: Steps Toward Implementing a Nationwide Network of Networks Session: Steps to Ensure Progress Mr. Samuel P. Williamson Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research Federal Response and Strategy
2 Outline Part 1 –Bottom Line Up Front –Background –Two OFCM-sponsored Committee for Integrated Observing Systems (CIOS) Foundational Meetings –OFCM Coordinating Infrastructure –CIOS Leadership / Membership –Overarching Strategy –Summary Part 2 –NWS Support to National Mesonet –Way Ahead Strategy
3 Bottom Line Up Front Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (ICMSSR) –Implements policy decisions and provides recommendations to the Federal Committee ICMSSR meeting held Thursday, August 6, 2009 –Concurred with: OFCM-sponsored Committee for Integrated Observing Systems (CIOS) to respond to call for action to integrate disparate observing systems Proposed leadership and membership of CIOS Way ahead strategy
Examples of work summarizing observational data, data gaps and initiatives –US Group on Earth Observations (USGEO) (ongoing) Strategic Plan for U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System “Observing Earth’s Vital Signs” (draft) –FAA Aviation Weather Office, Reduce Weather Impact (RWI) (NEXGEN funding portfolio) (ongoing) Right-sizing of the sensor network program –OFCM Weather Info for Surface Transportation (WIST) Working Group (WG) “WIST—National Needs Assessment Report” (Dec 2002) –OFCM Joint Urban Test Bed Joint Action Group (JUTB) “Urban Meteorology – Meeting Weather Needs in the Urban Community” (Jan 2004) –NWS (prepared by SAIC) “Assessment of Federal, State, and Local Meso / Micro Networks...” (Jan 2006) –US Climate Reference Network (USCRN) USCRN Program Update Presentation (Mar 2009) –CENR Air Quality Research Subcommittee (AQRS) “Survey on Air Quality Monitoring” (draft) –National Research Council’s report (Jan 2009) “Observing Weather & Climate from Ground Up: Nationwide Network of Networks” Excellent efforts to describe state of observation systems / networks, data gaps and initiatives Background
5 NRC Report Recommendations Main Points –“US Surface meteorological observation capabilities is energetic, chaotic” –“An overarching strategy is needed to integrate disparate systems” –“Highest priority observations to address current inadequacies are:” Height of the planetary boundary layer Soil moisture and temperature profiles High resolution vertical profiles of humidity Measurements of air quality and related chemical composition above the surface layer Other Priorities: urban, coastal & mountainous regions “Employ testbeds for applied research & development ”
6 Foundational meetings held May 28 and July 13 Agency presentations –What type of weather sensors do you have and what elements do you collect? –What observations do you leverage from other organizations? –What data do you still need but don’t have? –What deliverables do you desire from the CIOS? Two CIOS Foundational Meetings
FEDERAL AGENCIES DHS –DHS/S&T –USCPB –USCG –FEMA DOC –NOAA/NESDIS –NOAA/NOS –NOAA/NWS –NOAA/OAR DOD –USA –USAF –USN DOE/BER Two CIOS Foundational Meetings OTHER PARTICIPANTS AMS NAS/NRC UCAR/DLS USGEO IOOS WGA FEDERAL AGENCIES DOS DOT –FAA –FHWA EPA HHS/CDC NASA/ESD NRC NSF USDA –USDA/WAOB –US Forest Service DOI ▬ BIA, BLM, NPS, USBR, USGS Participation May 28, 2009July 13, 2009 Presentations: 14Presentations: 10 Attendance: 37 (15 offices / organizations)Attendance: 32 (13 offices / organizations) TOTALS Presentations: 24 Attendance: 69 (19 offices / organizations)
Key Agency Comments Currently there are data gaps in the existing observing strategies –Still need more or a specific type of surface observations Reduce gaps in remote/urban areas (FWHA, NPS, USAF, USA, NWS, EPA, CDC) Increase precipitation/chemical weather observations (EPA, NPS, NWS, NASA) Need more soil moisture/soil temperature observations (USDA, EPA, USFS, NASA) Need more costal and interior water observations (NWS) Increase streamgages for reservoir management and river flow forecasting (USGS) Increase evapotranspiration, groundwater, snowpack, and surface runoff data (NASA) Increase monitoring or reliable remote sensing (NPS) –Still need more upper air observations Boundary layer (sfc through 2 km) measurements is under-observed (NWS, USA) oCrucial to improving predictability beyond first few hours (NWS) Vertical moisture profiles is the most under-observed parameter (NWS, EPA, USA) Need more aloft chemical weather observations (EPA, NPS) –To improve validation of satellite sensor measurements (NASA) Agencies already collaborating & sharing data to meet gaps but further collaboration desired…. Two CIOS Foundational Meetings
Desired CIOS Deliverables –Near Term Inventory existing observing capability (multiple agencies) Network existing weather networks & sensors (multiple agencies) Identify sensor standards for siting, quality control, & reliability (multiple agencies) Derive a data and metadata standards/strategy (multiple agencies) Address network accreditation/certification standards (multiple agencies) Develop agreements to officially recognize agency collaboration/cooperation (NOS) Consider non-disclosure agreements that allows sharing of purchased private enterprise data (i.e. lightning and TAMDAR) among federal agencies (OAR, BLM) Leverage lessons learned from similar initiatives (multiple agencies) –Long-term Fill gaps with improved or new sensors (multiple agencies) Articulate common requirements (multiple agnecies) Include international collaborations (NWS, USAF, USN, USA, NESDIS, NOS) Assimilate “non-traditional” networks (USAF, USN, USA, NWS) Key Agency Comments Two CIOS Foundational Meetings
OFCM Coordinating Infrastructure Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCMSSR) Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (ICMSSR) National Space Weather Program Committee for Space Weather National Aviation Weather Program Committee for Aviation Services and Research Environmental Services, Operations, and Research Needs Environmental Information Systems and Communications Integrated Observing Systems Climate Analysis, Monitoring, and Services Cooperative Research Program Councils Federal Coordinator for Meteorology Standing Committees National Operational Processing Centers Program Committee for Operational Processing Centers Multifunction Phased Array Radar Policy Council
11 Co-chairs –NOAA: Mr. Don Berchoff –DoD: alternates between Office of Air Force Director of Weather and Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy –DOT: alternates between FHWA and FAA –EPA: Mr. Richard Scheffe Members –All stakeholders CIOS Leadership / Membership
12 Regular OFCM CIOS forthcoming –Next meeting tentatively September 2009 Will engage academia and private sector –Continue relationship with AMS leadership –Invite academia and private sector subject matter experts to upcoming OFCM-sponsored CIOS meetings –OFCM-sponsored workshops / symposiums Overarching Strategy
13 Off to a good start, have congressional and high level federal agency support –OSTP and OMB –ICMSSR Involvement of AMS Weather & Climate Enterprise key to bridging gap between federal, academia and private sector Summary WE’RE OFF AND RUNNING!!