BE A MENTOR ACT AS MENTOR FEEL LIKE MENTOR Organisers Supporters Informative supporters
Aim: make a discussion and meeting platform to exchange experience with mentors from different mentoring programs in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, U.S., Finland and Austria. Place: Freeport of Riga Authority, 12 O.Kalpaka blvd, Riga, Latvia Participants: we hope to meet current mentors, professionals and experienced entrepreneurs as well as future mentors; companies’ representatives and others who believe in positive impact of mentoring in self-development.
Opening speeches Dzintars Zaķis Parlamentarian Secretary of LR Ministry of Economics Aiva Vīksna board chairperson of association Līdere Mikko Kivikoski 1 st Secretary of Embassy of Finland in Latvia
MENTORS PARTICIPANTS OF PANNEL DISCUSSIONS Katarina G. Bonde Anja Ström Aiva Vīksna Ritva Nyberg Agita Hauka Gražina Pašakarnienė Friederike Sözen Jaana Taniberg
Katarina G. Bonde Katarina G. Bonde, Managing Director Kubi LLC, combines a strong executive management background with extensive international business experience. Kubi engages in technology investments and international board and management consulting. In mentoring process I gain energy from the other person who is getting on with their life, their choices and ideas. I get to follow another person. When she or he succeeds I am very proud and I feel just as happy.
Ritva Nyberg Managing Director for the Women`s Enterprise Agency Finland. Creating and carrying out entrepreneurial mentoring programmes for women. I became a mentor because I really want to help other people. It’s wonderful to see that something I have experienced in my life can be of use to someone else. I also enjoy to be able to see the mentee developing in her work and life.
Anja Ström Since year 1982 she has been working as a management and marketing consultant and the last 19 years by her own company A.A. STRÖM & CO KY A good mentor is a person, who really desire to help and give out her own life- and business experience to other people. A mentor has to be professional, but very human, open and warm, for to be able to really open the door to the mentees mind.
Gražina Pašakarnienė From 1994 owner and finance director of sewing company JSC “Mazasis Salonas”. Established the business together with her husband and are in this business for 11 years. “Business women club – XXI age” president Wonderful experiences and a lot of more life understanding. A very good possibility to keep my self “up to date” with, what is going on in different business areas. I even got a chance, to meet very special and nice people and got new friends.
Aiva Vīksna Executive director of publishing-house "Lietišķās informācijas dienests", Director and co-owner of subsidiary company of the publishing house in Ukraine Служба дiловоï iнформацiï, Director and co-owner of aluminium-recycling company “Baltmetals”, board chairperson of association „Līdere”, philanthropy Mentor is a person with a wide life and entrepreneurial work experience. It’s a fully developed personality with a wide life view. He/she is fair and faithful – these are qualities, the mentor tries to hand over the mentees. This person works in a team, listens to others. This individual willingly shares own knowledge and contacts with others, dedicating his/her time. This person is a philanthropist and a maecenas at the same time. To be a mentor is an honor and a responsibility, which have been trusted.
Agita Hauka Since 1999 self-employed – owner of Cosmetologist cabinet. Board chairperson of Iecava’ women club “Liepas”, Director of Women organisation to the Latvian Farmers Federation, Board member of the Latvian Farmers Federation. Main principles on what I build co- operation of mentor – mentee: these are frankness and faithfulness both in a success and in a failure. A mentee’s wish to perform and gain new knowledge is also very important.
Jaana Taniberg HR and Administrative Manager of IMG Konsultant AS I like to put young people to thinking right things and take responsibility about their development their-self. To be mentor is very good opportunity to improve my own learning and develop my career. The younger generation can help you improve your knowledge and understanding. I want to see my mentees to be successful in the future. I got satisfaction in being able to contribute to someone else’s growth.
Friederike Sözen Career consultant & project management Chamber of Commerce of the Federal Province of Burgenland, Austria 5 things why I will suggest to other experienced entrepreneurs / professionals become mentors: development of human resources within one’s own institution or within the surrounding enterprises. building a network between old & young professionals / entrepreneurs. enhance information flow - learning from each other getting into contact with other mentors nationwide also getting international contacts through mentoring platforms & project connections
EVALUATION OF MENTORING Qualitative research August 2005 The association “Līdere” in collaboration with a market and social researches centre “Latvijas Fakti” executed a research, whose goals were to clarify: (1) the advantages and disadvantages of mentoring movement in the point of view of mentors and mentees; (2) mentors’ characterization viewed by mentees and mentees’ characterization viewed by mentors; (3) mentors’ and mentees’ personal qualities, which either encourage or impede cooperation; (4) mentors’ and mentees’ adequacy to the model of an “ideal mentor” and an “ideal mentee”. 10 mentors and 10 mentees were inquired during the research. With a research you can get acquainted at the home page of the association “Līdere” about Mentoring
INQUIRY Thanks to all participants of the conference that gave their opinion and suggestions filling-up the questionnaires! The results we will use organising next Baltic Mentors conference.
Evaluation of conference panel discussion themes (in a 5 point scale, where 5 – very interesting, 1- not interesting)? 1.panel discussion 2. panel discussion
Evaluation of panel discussion participant’ presentations (in a 5 point scale, where 5 – very good, 1- very bad)
How participants get information about the conference? 44% 12% 2% 14% 28% From association "Līdere"No reponse From mediaFrom home page of "Līdere" different (frineds etc.)
Evaluation of the organization of the conference? (in a 5 point scale, where 5 – very good, 1- very bad) Registration Support of organisers Translation Coffee break
Evaluation of the organization of the conference? (in a 5 point scale, where 5 – very good, 1- very bad) Technical equipment Handouts
Has conference met participant expectations? Would participants like to participate at the similar events in the future?
Have participants heard before about mentoring? Are you a mentor?
If no, would you like to become a mentor?
Publications Dzirkstele Malienas ziņas Liesma
Publications Kursas laiks Dienas Bizness
Publications Kurzemnieks Bauskas Dzīve
Publications Talsu vēstis Vaduguns
Thanks to all 1 Baltic Mentors conference participants!