Situation 5 As an animal lover you are saddened by the number of endangered species (e.g., tiger, leatherback turtles, elephant, rhinoceros, etc) being killed in Malaysia. What can individuals and the government,as well as organizations, do to reduce this problems? give reason for your choice.
Individual Do not buy products made from wild animal. If people do not buy products made from wild animals, the people who hunt and trap wild animals will have to stop making products. Products made from exotic hard woods often come from the rainforest that is home to many endangered animals. Ask if you are not sure what a product is made of and where it comes from.
Do not buy live animals that have been taken from the wild. When even one animal is taken from the wild it encourages hunting without a license to catch more. This includes all animals: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish, and even insects. If you would like an exotic animal for a pet, ask the seller if it was bred in captivity and have them show you proof.
Join a Conservation Organization, There is a wide range of conservation organizations working to protect endangered animals and habitats. Different organizations have different objectives—some work to protect a small plot of land or to protect whales, others focus on establishing good environmental policies in local government.
Organizition Protect Wildlife Habitat. Perhaps the greatest threat that faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. Deforestation, farming, over-grazing and development all result in irreversible changes—soil compaction, erosion, desertification, and alteration of local climatic conditions. Such land use practices vastly alter or even eliminate wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species are present, habitat destruction can quickly force a species to extinction.
planning awareness campaigns. Organizations should plan for the public awareness campaign to enlighten the importance of maintaining and preserving endangered species is diminished and endangered.
Goverment The government must enforce laws to protect endangered species. this is because, if the law is enforced, a person who commits a crime to kill endangered species can be convicted and will be subject to legal action. it is clear that actions of enforce laws to protect endangered species.
The government should set more severe penalties for offenders to kill endangered species. By setting a penalty, a perpetrator would be more afraid to commit crimes and then murder endangered species will be reduced.
Government could take steps to establish the agency tasked to control the criminal activities of smuggling endangered species. smuggling of endangered species, must be contained immediately because the biggest cause of extinction is due to the smuggling of endangered species.
Resource file:///F:/10-ways-to-protect-endangered- animals.html file:///F:/13172.html file:///F:/helping_endangered_species.htm file:///F:/what_you_can_do.html