© 2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. Website Change Templates How to properly submit a Change Template.
What Is A Change? Consultants should work any change received through a PAS appointment. If you receive a change request via forward the request to Converges and inform the advertiser. If you receive a phone call for changes provide the advertiser with the number for Converges and/or transfer the call. What Is Considered To Be A LONG Change? Replacing ALL photos throughout the website Adding contact forms that have more than 30 fields and were approved by a Design Mgr. More than 1 PDF to create for the site Menus with more than 20 items Adding a page(s) to a website What Is Considered To Be Just A Change? Changing a portion of a text on a page or on multiple pages Adding text to the website Replacing photos on a page or multiple pages Adding photos on a page or multiple pages Changing out a photo in a header How to work a long change or regular change 1.Open a change record. 2.*Put the information for the change on a Change Template 3.Submit the actual change task to design by completing the change facilitator task. * If an advertiser requests a text re-write or wants text to be added to page and does not submit the text to you, the change template will need to be sent to a writer before going to design. For these accounts let me know and I will have a writer work the account and add the verbiage to the change template..
What Is A HOT Change? By definition, a hot change is one that involves any change to any piece of contact information on a website: 1. Business name 2. Phone Number (Phone, fax, etc) 3. Address 4. Address 5.Map Change How to Handle A Hot Change If an advertiser contacts you with a HOT CHANGE, you should personally handle this change along with any other changes provided. Steps for completion include the following: 1. Open a change record. 2. Put the information for the change on a change template. 3. Complete the HOT CHANGE form 4. Submit the actual change task to design by completing the change facilitator task
© 2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. The Change Template
Change Template Field Definitions The Account Name can be found in the EFS notes and in the live internal URL (realpagessites.com/account name or accountname.liveonatt.com). This is the only name that should be put in this section.
Change Template Field Definitions Root Process ID number that is automatically assigned by EFS when a new record is created. This number ensures that the Designer will work the correct EFS record if there happens to be more than one open. The Website Change Template is also saved as this number.
Change Template Field Definitions The CID is the number for the customer in EFS. It is a 10-digit number automatically assigned when the advertiser became a customer of ATTs.
Change Template Field Definitions This date is 5 business days from today. Please check the “Promise Date” list that is the last slide of this PowerPoint.
Change Template Field Definitions Your Name = Ownership Please list your First and Last name, Phone # so that the designer can get in touch with you with any questions.
Change Template Field Definitions When you just can’t find the words to describe it, use this area to let the Designer know that you need to speak to them before they start working on the change request.
Change Template Field Definitions Yellow highlighting is used to differentiate instructions from text that should be copied and pasted into the website. This highlighted text allows you to “speak” to the Designers and Proofers about a particular item in the change template.
Change Template Field Definitions Designers and Proofers know that text with green highlighting should appear as a bulleted list.
Change Template Field Definitions Designers and Proofers know that text with blue highlighting used in a paragraph is the text that is changing. This lets the Proofer know that only the blue highlighted text changed so they do not need to spend extra time proofing the entire paragraph.
Change Template Field Definitions This section of the Website Change Template is dedicated to any changes that should take place on every page in the site. Examples of changes to appear on all pages: :: F.A.T.E. (firm name, address, telephone #, address) :: New Page or Page Name Change – this will change the navigation on every page of the site. :: Header or Footer Changes – logos, images or text that appear at the top or bottom of every page.
Changes To Individual Pages :: The page name as it appears in the Global Navigation Use these individual page dividers to describe changes that only apply to a single page. :: List changes to individual pages in the same order that the pages are listed in site navigation. :: If the page content has significantly changed, then the meta data needs to change as well.
Changes To Individual Pages Example:
Other Important Points :: Spelling & Grammar - Designers copy and paste exactly what you put on these templates so take a minute to make sure spelling and grammar are correct. Sites that have to be declined by Proofers are a waste of everybody’s time. If a site is declined for a spelling error, you and the Designer who did the work are responsible because everyone is accountable for Spell Checking their documents. :: Make It Clear – as the person submitting the change request, you are the person responsible for making sure that everything contained in the Website Change Template makes sense to everyone in the process. If it doesn’t make sense to you, get clarification before submitting the change. Use highlighted instructions frequently rather than assuming that the next person will know what you're asking for. :: Text Changes – when you submit a request for text changes don’t waste time trying to explain what part of a sentence or paragraph needs to be replaced. Make the corrections to the sentence or paragraph yourself and then include both versions with instructions to replace the old text with the new text and highlight what changed using the blue highlight color. :: “Whatever you think is best” – when an advertiser or Sales Rep gives you these instructions you need to keep asking questions until you get specific answers. If you can’t get specific answers no matter what you try, note that in EFS comments and then create a change template based on what you think is best – do not pass those vague instructions along to the next person in the process. :: Be Specific – if you're referring to digital files in your instructions use file names rather than descriptions of the image.
© 2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. Other Information
Promise Date Timeline Regular Changes Normal Changes 7 Calendar Days Put inMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Promise Date The following Monday The following Tuesday The following Wednesday The following Thursday The following Friday Hot changes1 DayForm needs to be filled out. No guarantee since it depends on workload. Put inMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Promise DateTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMonday Page 19 For regualr changes– schedule is 5 business days. If the change is submitted after 2pm, consider today as the following day. Ex. 2pm on Wednesday, then you put the following Thursday as the Promise Date. If a holiday is coming up, add 1 day.
Estimating Change Times Page 20 Each change should be estimated at a minimum of 30 minutes. Reason Code Reason Name in IBExplanationEstimate of Times TEXTUPText - UpdatedThe customer has sent in copy to replace stock copy hours TEXTERText - Error The website is incorrect to what the customer originally provided us hours TEXTCDText - Advertiser SatisfactionCustomer changed their mind from the previous copy hours PHUPDTPhoto - UpdatedThe customer has sent in photos to replace stock hours PHCDNLPhoto - Error The website is incorrect to what the customer originally provided us hours PHERRO Photo - Advertiser Satisfaction Customer changed their mind from the previous photos hours PHTXUPPhoto And Text - Updated The customer has sent in photos and text to replace stock photos and text hours PHTXERPhoto And Text - Error The website is incorrect to what the customer originally provided us hours PHTXAS Photo And Text - Advertiser Satisfaction Customer changed their mind from the previous text and photos hours CINUPD Customer Information - Updated Customers moved/add locations and needs to change address and/or phone number > 1 hour CINERR Customer Information - Error The website has the wrong address or phone number> 1 hour
© 2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. How To Submit The Actual Change in EFS
Submitting A Change in EFS Page Submit the task in EFS by doing the following: a)With the change record task selected in EFS, hit Start Task b)Hit Update Task c)Select the Additional Task Info Tab and it should take you to a screen that looks like this:
Submitting A Change in EFS Page 23